Issue - meetings

Establishing a Herefordshire Covid-19 engagement working group of the Health and Wellbeing Board

Meeting: 30/06/2020 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 36)

36 Establishing a Herefordshire Local Outbreak Engagement working group of the Health and Wellbeing Board. pdf icon PDF 157 KB

To agree to set up a Herefordshire Covid-19 engagement working group to oversee: the development and the management of outbreaks; support stakeholder and community engagement to build trust and participation and provide community leadership in the prevention and management of outbreaks through the Local Outbreak Control Plan. It will also support officers to deliver the Council’s test and trace response and ensure that Herefordshire is delivering the right interventions to protect the health and wellbeing of our local residents.


Additional documents:


The chairperson invited the Director of Public Health to introduce the report. The principal points included:


      I.        There is a new requirement for local authorities to produce an outbreak control plan to prevent and respond to any localised outbreaks of covid19 in our community. 


    II.        Financial resources have been allocated to Public Health Directors for the implementation of the plan and to support the outbreak control working group activities.  Herefordshire’s allocation is £845K.


   III.        Importantly the development of the NHS Test and trace service is a key part of the local and national implementation of the plan.  Seven key priorities need to be addressed:


-       Care homes and schools;

-       High risk places,

-       Local testing capacity

-       Contact tracing in complex settings

-      Data integration

-      Vulnerable people, and

-      Establishing Local boards


  IV.        To oversee and manage the plan, the Health and Wellbeing Board members are being asked to agree and support the establishment of a Covid19 engagement working group in accordance with the terms set out within the Appendix A.


    V.        The group is required to fulfil a number of functions; providing a leadership role in the prevention and management of outbreaks; communicating with the public and setting out how communities can play their part in reducing spread of any local spikes; building community engagement and trust in the delivery of the plan; keeping Herefordshire open and helping the local economy recover and getting our children back to schools, safely. 


  VI.        Activities currently include building a clear picture of how Covid 19 cases are developing in Herefordshire to inform any localised response across the seven priorities.


 VII.        It is proposed that the Chair of the working group be leader of council and the vice chair is the cabinet member for health and wellbeing.


The chairperson expressed thanks to the Director of Public Health (DPH) for the in-depth report and proposals.


The chairperson opened with questions to the DPH.


How would local intelligence and data influence national data gathering and vice versa? 


It was explained that the flow of national data has improved significantly and is now working with the test and trace system. Problems with pillar 2 testing (swab testing) is being resolved.  This means that local data on public testing is being brought together with national data.  The DPH will have an oversight of this so can warn in advance of any local increases/spikes before they become too serious.  


How will differences in the data between national and local level be resolved – particularly in relation to any lockdown advice that will be issued?


Local intelligence will be monitored and will feed into national data gathering.   If Public Health England (PHE) identify any spikes not seen locally the local and national systems will begin coordinated communications and management of any local increases in cases.


Who will take the decision on triggering a local lockdown?


Local lockdown powers will sit with Herefordshire Council’s chief executive and will be informed by local and national data and intelligence. A  ...  view the full minutes text for item 36