Issue - meetings

Heritage Action Zone - Leominster

Meeting: 23/07/2020 - Cabinet (Item 165)

165 Heritage Action Zone - Leominster pdf icon PDF 271 KB

To approve expenditure and deliver activities as detailed in the Leominster Heritage Action Zone Delivery Plan.

Additional documents:


The cabinet member environment, economy and skills introduced the report and welcomed the collaboration between the council, Leominster town council and the local community. It was hoped that this model would be built on going forward. It was noted that this was the first report to be brought to cabinet with an explicit section on climate and ecological impact.


The cabinet member summarised how the project would progress and highlighted a correction to paragraphs 48 and 49 which should both start with ‘we will’.


The cabinet member children and families commented that as a resident, town councillors and ward member in Leominster she was pleased to see this project coming forward.


In discussion of the report cabinet members noted that:

·         The match funding was proportionate from each grant that businesses made so the figure set out in the report was a conservative estimate, while there was some concern whether businesses in the area would invest in the current economic climate other funds had shown sustained level of interest;

·         The programme would have to be condensed to meet the March 2024 deadline for expenditure, officers were confident that the projects in year 1 could be delivered and then the remaining grant schemes could be re-profiled into years 2 and 3;

·         The council would look at including conditions on the use of local labour.


Group leaders were invited to set out the views and queries of their group. It was noted that:

·         Ward members reported that businesses in Leominster were looking to invest;

·         The outcome of the project should be reviewed with a view to learning lessons that could be applied to other market towns.


It was agreed that:


(a)   The council enters into a funding agreement with The Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England (HBMCE) to deliver the Heritage Action Zone Programme in Leominster as per the Delivery Plan with an anticipated total budget of £3.6m from the capital programme (£1.8 of which is match funded) and £1.8m from HBMCE;

(b)  The Director of Economy and Place, in consultation with Section 151 Officer, be authorised to take all operational decisions necessary to secure the funding agreement between the Herefordshire Council and The Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England;

(c)   The Director of Economy and Place be authorised to sign all sub grant agreements (for the building grants) to grant recipients and take day to day operational decisions, including any variations to any sub grant agreements;

(d)  The Director for Economy and Place, in consultation with Section 151 Officer, and approved by Cabinet Member for Economy, Environment and skills and Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Transport, be authorised to sign any programme changes which may include identifying new projects in light of Covid19;

(e)   Section 151 Officer agrees that the Council provide forward funding grant payments to grant recipients up to a cumulative maximum of £500k over any quarterly period, pending drawn down of funds from the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England.