Issue - meetings
Herefordshire and Worcestershire Living Well with Dementia Strategy
Meeting: 27/11/2019 - Cabinet (Item 108)
108 Herefordshire and Worcestershire Living Well with Dementia Strategy PDF 130 KB
To approve and support the contents of the Herefordshire and Worcestershire Living Well with Dementia Strategy (HWLWD) and approve the high level actions set out for 2019-2024.
Additional documents:
The cabinet member health and adult wellbeing introduced the item.
The assistant director all ages commissioning highlighted some key points in the report and by way of example of the work being carried out talked about a tea dance held in September for people with dementia and their families which had been supported by donations from businesses and the community. The work of the Leominster Meeting Centre in supporting people with dementia was praised as an example of good practice which the council would like to see replicated elsewhere in the county.
In discussion of the report, cabinet members noted that:
· Herefordshire’s rate of diagnosis was lower than the national aspiration and improving this figure was one of the core aims of the strategy;
· The council was working with partners to promote the use of the ReSPECT tool to encourage residents to actively set out their wishes for their care and treatment in the event that they become infirm, this would include promoting lasting power of attorney for health and wellbeing as well as for finances;
· The strategy sought to improve knowledge and awareness of dementia as an illness and to combat common myths, for example that a diagnosis of dementia would automatically result in the person’s driving licence being removed;
· The strategy had a simple monitoring tool to judge its effectiveness.
Group leaders supported the strategy and noted the challenges of disseminating information to and raising awareness of the wider public, particularly in a rural county.
It was resolved that:
Cabinet reviewed and approved the Herefordshire and Worcestershire Living Well with Dementia Strategy 2019-2024 (at appendix 1) the content and recommendations of which were supported by the Health and Wellbeing Board on 14 October 2019.
Meeting: 14/10/2019 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 16)
16 Herefordshire and Worcestershire Living Well with Dementia Strategy PDF 131 KB
To review the draft strategy with a view to ensuring it is effective in encouraging those who arrange the provision of any health or social care services in Herefordshire to work in an integrated manner for the purpose of advancing the health and wellbeing of the people of Herefordshire, and supports integration.
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 for Herefordshire and Worcestershire Living Well with Dementia Strategy, item 16 PDF 2 MB
The assistant director all ages commissioning presented the draft strategy and explained that, following consideration of an early iteration at the 5 March 2019 meeting, a joined up approach had been taken to the further development of the strategy by NHS Herefordshire Clinical Commissioning Group and Herefordshire Council.
It was reported that this was the first sustainability and transformation partnership footprint strategy for Herefordshire and Worcestershire and one of the aims of the strategy was to improve the Herefordshire rate of dementia diagnosis (58%) to the nationally targeted rate (67%); some of the reasons why people avoided diagnosis, particularly in rural communities, were outlined.
An overview was provided of the work of Dementia Friendly Leominster, Herefordshire Dementia Action Alliance, and Talk Community. The need to deliver the strategy cohesively and proactively was emphasised, with attention drawn to the delivery plan.
It was reported that the strategy would be considered by cabinet on 28 November 2019. The individuals, groups and organisations involved in the development of the strategy were thanked.
The cabinet member - children and families commented on the establishment of Dementia Friendly Leominster and its ongoing work in the community. The assistant director all ages commissioning said that the initiative had been incredibly supportive of the dementia agenda. The chief executive commented that it was a challenge and opportunity to extend the model to Hereford and the other market towns, and noted the importance of improving awareness and understanding of dementia.
It was reported that Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust was developing proposals for revising its delivery model for dementia care to improve quality of life and reduce demand on the system in terms of urgent and emergency care.
The vice-chairperson commented that the strategy had involved significant effort and drew attention to the guiding principles of ‘preventing well’, ‘diagnosing well’, ‘supporting well’, ‘living well’, and ‘dying well’ in the context of helping people to plan for the future and before a time of crisis.
Resolved: That the board has reviewed and supports the draft Herefordshire and Worcestershire Living Well with Dementia Strategy 2019-2024.