Issue - meetings
Quarter 2 2019/20 corporate budget and performance report
Meeting: 27/11/2019 - Cabinet (Item 106)
106 Quarter 2 2019/20 corporate budget and performance report PDF 355 KB
To review performance for quarter 2 2019/20 and the budget outturn.
Additional documents:
- Appendix A - revenue budgets, item 106 PDF 328 KB
- Appendix B - capital forecast, item 106 PDF 500 KB
- Appendix C - treasury management forecast, item 106 PDF 257 KB
- Appendix D - debt-write offs, item 106 PDF 87 KB
- Appendix E - savings performance, item 106 PDF 154 KB
- Appendix F - delivery plan progress, item 106 PDF 559 KB
- Appendix G - corporate plan performance metrics, item 106 PDF 71 KB
- Appendix H - corporate risk register, item 106 PDF 392 KB
The cabinet member finance and corporate services introduced the item and highlighted key points of the report.
Cabinet members discussed the report and noted that:
· The Understanding Herefordshire website was a really good resource;
· Delays to expenditure of capital resulted in lower levels of debt to service which released funds in the in-year revenue budget, while there were benefits to this it was important that capital projects were progressed to deliver the key investments needed in the county;
· The overspend in children and families related to costs for Looked After Children and care leavers and work was taking place to minimise costs while continuing to fulfil the council’s responsibilities, examples included exploring the use of alternative ways for children to be cared for, considering how best to deploy experienced social workers, investing in local accommodation to reduce the cost of placements and in work to strengthen families to reduce the numbers of children needing to be taken into care.
Group Leaders were invited to express the views of their group. It was noted that:
· The projected overspend was a relatively small amount in the context of the overall budget and represented good financial management;
· Achievement of an underspend in the adults and communities directorate was a significant step, particularly when compared to other councils;
· Persistent challenges in the children and families directorate such as the high number of Looked After Children and levels of dental decay might need radical approaches;
· Consistent good management of the high needs block had made the position stronger than it could have been;
· Cabinet members were urged to take decisions on the future of the various transport packages as soon as possible.
It was resolved that:
Cabinet reviewed performance and financial outturn for quarter 2 2019/20, as set out in appendices A - H, and did not identify any additional actions to be considered to achieve future improvement.