Issue - meetings

Commission on RE Report

Meeting: 09/11/2018 - Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) (Item 17)


To review the implications for SACRE of the Commission on Religious Education (RE) Report.


Additional documents:


SACRE received a report concerning the outcomes of the Commission on RE report published in September 2018 and the recommendations contained in the report. Mr Pett introduced the report and explained that there had been a mixed reaction to the contents of the report. The recommendation to increase bursaries for RE teachers was supported but feedback from NASCRE had expressed disappointment at the lack of mention in the report of the excellent examples of RE provision in place across the country. The report contained recommendations which were substantial and which would potentially have a significant impact upon SACRE and locally agreed syllabuses. 


SACRE raised those points below in the discussion which followed:


·         It was felt that the inclusion of an RE Ebacc should have been proposed as a recommendation in the report;

·         The use of the term ‘worldviews’ was felt to be vague and insubstantial. It was noted that it was difficult to increase the appeal of a subject without diluting its core content.   

·         It was hoped that the new framework that was being adopted by Ofsted to look at subjects holistically would enhance the profile of RE in schools.


RESOLVED: That SACRE notes the outcomes, recommendations and implications of the Commission on RE report.