Issue - meetings
Setting the 2019/20 budget, capital investment and updating the medium term financial strategy
Meeting: 29/11/2018 - Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee (Item 46)
To seek the views of the committee on the draft medium term financial strategy (MTFS) 2017-21 and the budget proposals for 2019-20 relating to Children and Families.
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - MTFS, item 46 PDF 947 KB
- Appendix 2 - Draft children and families 2019/20 budget, item 46 PDF 48 KB
- Appendix 3 - Capital investment budget request, item 46 PDF 50 KB
- Appendix 4 - Capital investment business case, item 46 PDF 105 KB
- Appendix 5 - Budget consultation, item 46 PDF 7 MB
- Childrens Scrutiny - draft Budget presentation, item 46 PDF 570 KB
The CFO and DCF introduced the draft budget in relation to the children and families directorate, as appended to the agenda and outlined the presentation published as a supplement ahead of the meeting. The CFO explained the financial circumstances in which the draft budget had been developed and the changes to the income of the Council.
The DCF explained that the majority of spend in the children and families directorate related to placements costs. Spend on the high needs block was also highlighted which was a pressure that the service faced in meeting the cost of providing special educational needs support to children on Education and Health and Care Plans. The pressures on the high needs block had increased significantly for authorities across the country and Herefordshire Schools Forum would consider potential savings proposals. The Council was spending more than was planned for on looked after children placement budget and this was replicated nationally at other local authorities. Projects were being established to investigate alternative methods to meet needs more effectively earlier to lessen the need for placements. The cabinet had made money available to support the retention and recruitment of social workers during the year which was welcome and had had a positive effect.
The DCF raised the investment that was planned in targeted prevention and ensuring that children make use of universal services and access local community based services where it would help. The investment would also develop proposals for early help and edge of care services and would support greater placement stability. Proposals would be completed and presented to the executive and the cabinet proposal was that other funding rather than base budget would be used to support this work.
The committee raised the points below in the debate that followed:
· The signs of safety practice model was raised and it was queried whether there was any provision in the budget to support the mental health of social workers. The decrease in the number of sick days of staff in the Children’s and Families directorate was noted and it was suggested that changes which had produced this effect could be considered in other directorates across the Council. The DCF explained that sessions had been offered to social workers over the summer but had only attracted a small turn out. Social workers had stated through surveys that they valued supervision and this was recognised that support through supervision was a central element of supporting social workers wellbeing. Increases in recruitment of social workers helped to lessen caseloads and pressure on social workers.
· The committee queried how people were being signposted to early help services. The DCF confirmed that the early help service was coordinating family network meetings throughout the county. These involved wider services including housing, police, and advice on accessing benefits. Early help assessments had been introduced and 820 had been carried out. The Assistant Director Education, Development and Skills explained the troubled families programme had been provided through the early help service and had assisted 320 ... view the full minutes text for item 46