Issue - meetings
External audit progress report
Meeting: 29/11/2017 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 245)
245 External audit progress report PDF 123 KB
To review the external auditor’s progress report and update.
Additional documents:
The chairman used his discretion to move the external audit progress report to the first item.
It was noted that the private session due to take place on the rising of the committee would be postponed until after the January meeting. Phil Jones, Grant Thornton, stated that Zoe Thomas, Jon Roberts and himself would be available for the session. A member noted that it was disappointing that the session needed to be postponed and hopefully that it would not be too late for any concerns to be raised.
It was noted that the plan for the 2017/18 audit was currently being developed and that it would hopefully be presented to the January meeting. The fee letter would be presented to the March committee. The signing of the statement of accounts was now scheduled for the committee meeting in July 2018.
Following a query from a member, issues which had occurred during the 2016/17 audit would be taken into account when the audit plan for 2017/18 was developed. It was noted that the chief finance and S151 officer would be presenting a report at the January 2018 meeting which outlined how the issues experienced during the 2016/17 audit would be managed during the 2017/18 audit. The audit plan would be more structured than previously which should assist both the council and Grant Thornton.
The new lead partner (Jon Roberts) would be having early conversations with the chief finance and S151 officer to ensure that all risks areas were reflected in the plan.
The chief finance and S151 officer confirmed that the publications mentioned in the progress update at appendix 1 were considered by officers, and where relevant contact was made with other councils to obtain details of their experiences. It was noted that the publications were there to prompt thoughts as it will depend on the local circumstances. It was agreed that the link to the publications would be forwarded to the cabinet members for their consideration.
That the report be noted.