Issue - meetings
Corporate risk register
Meeting: 29/11/2017 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 252)
252 Corporate risk register PDF 137 KB
To consider the status of the council’s corporate risk register in order to monitor the effectiveness of the performance, risk and opportunity management framework. Since the risk register was last reported to committee, three new risks have been added and two removed.
Additional documents:
- Appendix A - corporate risk register, item 252 PDF 241 KB
- Appendix B - service level risk, item 252 PDF 193 KB
The directorate services team leader presented the report. The committee were reminded that their role was to ensure that risks were rated in accordance with the performance, risks, opportunities management (PROM) framework.
Following a query from a member, the directorate services team clarified that the corporate risk register was discussed at directorate management team meetings and that risks were endorsed by the relevant assistant director and director. There were various points in the process where risks are reviewed and updated. The corporate risk register is also regularly reviewed by management board. A member raised concerns that they did not feel assured that there was testing of the revised risk score, especially in connection:
· The medium term financial strategy (MTFS) moving from 20 to 3 given the forecast of an overspend in children’s wellbeing.
· Information governance as a report received earlier in the meeting had indicated that there were potential resource issues.
· Accommodation moving from 12 to 4.
· good decision making from 12 to 2.
It was agreed that the corporate risk register would be considered at the March meeting and then the possibility of moving to six monthly reporting would be considered.
That the report be noted.