Issue - meetings

Agreement of section 75 (S75) between the council and Herefordshire clinical commissioning group

Meeting: 15/09/2016 - Cabinet (Item 30)

30 Section 75 agreement pdf icon PDF 349 KB

To agree variations to the Better Care Fund section 75 agreement (the BCF s75) effective from 1 October 2016.

Additional documents:


Cabinet received a report to agree variations to the Better Care Fund section 75 agreement (the BCF s75) effective from 1 October 2016.  The section 75 arrangement entered into by the council and the Herefordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (HCCG) in 2013 would end on 30 September 2016. The principle of developing and implementing a single legally binding agreement had already been agreed by cabinet and the recommendations implement that decision.


In reply to questions from a Group Leader, the director for adults and wellbeing said:


·         That the risk share agreement had been finalised by the HCCG and was significantly different to the one that the council had been subject to in previous years.  Risks to the council were ring fenced to those associated with 27 named individuals in high cost placements, at maximum risk to the council of £185k, or 13% of the pooled costs.


·         That the Health and Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee had not been included in the diagram of the governance structure as it was not a decision making body.  It did play a part of the overall assurance of the agreement.


He went on to say that work was in hand with local communities to address the support aspect of care, as this helped to strengthen community cohesion, improve the health and wellbeing outcome of the individual and save money for the council.






(a)         the variations to the BCF s75 set out at appendix one, be agreed effective from 1 October 2016; and


(b)         authority is delegated to the director for adults and wellbeing to complete the varied section 75 agreement following legal review of the document