Issue - meetings

Work programme and task and finish groups

Meeting: 08/03/2016 - General scrutiny committee (Item 74)

74 Work programme pdf icon PDF 187 KB

To consider the committee’s work programme.


The chairman noted that the Community Infrastructure Levy Task and Finish Group was due to report back to the committee at the next meeting. The importance of the community infrastructure levy for Herefordshire’s development was stressed.


The chairman explained that a work programming and training session for members was being arranged for the coming months as well as questioning skills training. The chairman welcomed the opportunity for members of the committee to have a greater role in the work programming of the committee.


The chairman discussed work which had been done investigating gypsy and travellers sites provision within the county. The chairman stressed the legal and moral duty Herefordshire council had in this area.


It was discussed that the inclusion of the forward plan had been raised at the previous committee. The chairman stressed that this would be included with the upcoming work programming session.


A member of the committee noted a number of grammatical errors within the work programme document within the agenda.

The committee approved the work programme.


RESOLVED: That the draft work programme be noted