Issue - meetings

WORK Programme

Meeting: 26/11/2015 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 47)


To seek the views of the Board in order to finalise the quarterly forward work programme.

Additional documents:


The board considered the work programme and it was agreed to include a finance report in January 2016 and to ensure that meeting dates were aligned to the better care fund submission dates.



That the work programme be adjusted as discussed.




A paper had been circulated previously from public health on the medium and long term solutions on funding shortfall and continuation of the transformation programme. The key points of the update were:

           plans to look at the devolution programme and existing funding programmes along with suggestions received from Ernst and Young for transformation;

           general discussions on transformation had taken place between accountable officers from partner organisations such as Wye Valley Trust, the CCG and 2gether. They were meeting fortnightly and held two separate away days which identified key principles to build capacity and resilience and to develop a strong safe and vibrant community in order to maximise health and wellbeing and its impact on the economy. Alternative solutions in areas such as urgent care were being considered under the principle of independent living and maximising recovery;

           it was expected that the report on the work would be completed by the end of December;

           achievement of the work included sharing resources and posts across services and to look at developing two proposals on devolution and models of care to present to NHS England and the development agency to improve outcomes for Herefordshire people;

           There was still more to do on this and the work streams would be refreshed next week.


Discussion took place regarding devolution and it was noted that Herefordshire was expecting to submit a devolution proposal in January 2016. There were protocols regarding health procurement at national level and which impacted on flexibility and freedom in regard to areas such as back office providers and so freedom on this would be requested. A further request would relate to the ability to negotiate a 3 to 5 year settlement to assist longer-term planning for funding.  The intention was to compliment local health and social care strategy to achieve maximum benefit and to identify the benefits for a potential devolution bid and the opportunities it would hold.