Issue - meetings

Task and finish group report - development management (planning)

Meeting: 10/06/2015 - General scrutiny committee (Item 8)

8 Task and finish group report - development management (planning) pdf icon PDF 48 KB

To consider the findings of the scrutiny task and finish group: development management (planning) and to recommend the report to the Executive for consideration.

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The task and finish group chairman presented its report on Development Management (Planning) for consideration by the committee prior to its submission to the Executive.  Attention was drawn to the following:


i.           The group had considered stakeholder perceptions and the report should be seen as an enabling document to support ongoing improvements to the service.


ii.          The key themes identified in the report included: administration and IT systems; planning officers’ workload; planning enforcement; customer experience; and consultation process.


iii.         Officers were praised for their efforts in response to the significant increase in the number of planning applications being received.


iv.        The following amendments were made to the recommendations within the report:


Recommendation 1:  Since the commencement of this study Herefordshire Council has achieved ‘Smarter Planning Status’ and are to be commended on this, however every effort should be made to explore ‘Best Practice’ with and introduce, where beneficial, Best Practice provided and operated by neighbouring authorities  and to explore the implementation of a planning specific I.T administration system.


Recommendation 12:  A planning enforcement policy/protocol be developed and implemented with 3 levels of priority for an assessment of any enforcement requirementand necessary action

         high, same day assessment

         medium, up to five working days

         low, up to 15 working days


Recommendation 18:  That there should be a presumption to enforce (in accordance with the principles of fairness, proportionality and the public Interest test) for all breaches of council policy and that any enforcement action should be taken in a timely way, in accordance with the Council’s Joint Protocol on Enforcement and all relevant government guidance.


v.         Contributors and members of the group were thanked for their input into the report.


Members of the task and finish group commented on the importance of robust planning enforcement to ensure that public confidence was maintained and, referring to a visit undertaken by the group to Shropshire County Council’s planning department, the value of exploring and sharing best practice was emphasised.


In response to a question, the Head of Development Management and Environmental Health said that he would check the extent to which parish councils were notified about planning applications in neighbouring parishes which might affect them.  The task and finish group chairman said that a number of comments had been made to the group about the need for a consistent approach.


A committee member questioned whether parishes could be recognised for their effective contributions to growth in property stock where developments were within the boundaries of adjoining parishes but had a greater impact on others.  The Director of Economy, Communities and Corporate noted that this had not formed part of the remit of the review and suggested that the committee member contact the Neighbourhood Planning team for advice on this matter.  The Cabinet Member, Infrastructure said that, in some areas of the country, there were examples of allocations being shared between areas where there were particular capacity and land issues.


Some members considered that the fluctuations in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8