Issue - meetings

Budget Monitoring Report

Meeting: 19/03/2015 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 58)

58 Budget Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 177 KB

To provide Audit & Governance with an updated position on the projected outturn for 2014/15.

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The Chief Financial Officer presented the report and confirmed that the council is on-track to spend within budget.


A member commented on the timescales for producing this report, noting that it was based on December’s figures.  The Chairman replied that this was the first opportunity to present this report due to the scale of business at the last committee in January.  The report was presented to Cabinet in February. It would be possible to produce a summary of information for the public domain for assurance.  It was noted that the timing of the report would present a challenge in responding to issues raised if the report had not been positive, and this would be addressed for next year’s report.




That         (a)   the protected spend by the council within its budget for this  financial year be noted;

(b)   the capital and treasury projected outturns be noted; and

(c)   the performance to achieve 2014-15 savings plans be noted.