Issue - meetings

Community Safety Strategic Plan 2014-17

Meeting: 03/07/2014 - Cabinet (Item 13)

13 Community Safety Strategic Plan 2014-17 pdf icon PDF 99 KB

To endorse the Herefordshire Community Safety Strategic Plan 2014 – 17.

Additional documents:


The chairman introduced the Community Safety Strategic Plan (‘the plan’) for the period 2014 – 17.


The plan sets out the work of the Community Safety Partnership, a statutory partnership reporting to the Herefordshire Partnership Executive Group and the Safeguarding Board to ensure that partnerships are in place to sustain low crime rates in the county.


The Sustainable Communities Manager presented the plan, which features four priorities areas: 


·           reducing re-offending and bringing offenders to account;

·           addressing harm caused by domestic violence and abuse;

·           reducing the harm caused by alcohol and drugs; and

·           promoting community cohesion and reducing the volume of anti-social behaviour.


The plan was developed having regard to an annual assessment of the strategy and by new legislation such as the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. In addition, the plan sought to address emerging issues, such as a higher than predicted level of youth offending and the number of teenagers presenting at accident and emergency with alcohol and drug-related problems.


In response to a comment regarding the public’s perception that more police were needed despite the fall in crime generally, the chairman explained that it is intended to produce a monthly article in conjunction with the Superintendent in order to raise awareness of the plan and crime reduction activity.


Responding to a question about officer resources to support the plan, it was confirmed by officers that this matter was to be raised formally. Funding is in place to support the plan to the end of the current financial year.


In response to a comment regarding social and housing factors, a loss of youth services and a rise in drug and hate crime as a result of reduced police presence, the chairman explained that the Community Safety Partnership has a preventive role and the police are one part of that.


Comments were made in support of the work of the police and that feedback from some wards was positive. The view was that there was a need to focus on specific problem areas, whilst noting that crime in Herefordshire is low and the focus should be on sustaining those low levels.


RESOLVED THAT: the Herefordshire Community Safety Strategic Plan 2014 – 17 be recommended to council for adoption.