Issue - meetings

Post 16 Learners with Learning Difficulties & Disabilities (LLDD) Review

Meeting: 19/09/2013 - Cabinet (Item 32)

32 Post 16 Learners with Learning Difficulties & Disabilities (LLDD) Review pdf icon PDF 121 KB

To consider the recent review into young people aged over 16 years with Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities (LDD) and how it addresses the points of a recent petition. 

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Members considered a report on the recent review of education services for young people aged over 16 with learning difficulties and /or disabilities (LDD).  The review had considered what support and options should be available for young people with LDD in the 16-25 age group, with the aim of improving outcomes for them.  The review had been guided by the strategic priorities of: (1) developing choice; (2) enabling professionals to work in partnership with families; and (3) helping young people with disabilities to live ordinary lives. 

The review had taken account of a recent petition, the results and action plan of a review of support for children with LDD and their families (conducted in 2011), and recent parliamentary changes, and had also consulted widely with parents and carers, support groups, education and training providers, appropriate services within the Council, and health and employment professionals. 

In response to questions from Members, the Interim Head of Sufficiency and Capital commissioning affirmed the intention to provide an effective transition to adult services after the age of 25.  The paid employment rate for young people with LDD was good, and it was envisaged that the Council, as the statutory agency, would continue to increase its involvement in helping them into employment, through working with employers and making the maximum use of apprenticeships. 

RESOLVED:   that

(a)  the findings of the Post 16 LLDD review, which includes the implementation of a revised Transitions Protocol for Children and Young People with Learning Difficulties and Disabilities to improve the experience of young and their families making the transition to adult services, be approved;

(b)   the testing and developing of multi-agency joint commissioning and provider collaboration, a small pilot for further education, independent living and therapeutic services for up to 4 young people aged 19-25 who have learning difficulties and disabilities of a profound, multiple or severely complex nature, be undertaken from September 2013.

(c)   the Cabinet Member for Children’s Wellbeing receives monitoring reports and the conclusions of the pilot in July 2014 with a view to agreeing future provision.