Issue - meetings

Six Month Review Report for Department for Education

Meeting: 19/09/2013 - Cabinet (Item 31)

31 Herefordshire Council Safeguarding Arrangements for Children: Six Month Review Report for the Department for Education pdf icon PDF 97 KB

To note the progress made in improvement planning in children’s safeguarding, resulting from the self-evaluation undertaken and reported to the Department of Education in July, 2013, in relation to the Herefordshire Safeguarding and Protecting Children Improvement Plan.

Additional documents:


Cabinet considered a progress report about improvement planning in Children’s Safeguarding.  The report was a result of the self-evaluation that had been undertaken by the Council in relation to the Herefordshire Safeguarding and Protecting Children Improvement Plan, following an Ofsted inspection in September 2012, and the subsequent issue of an Improvement Notice in March 2013.  The report detailed the key measures that had been taken, both in relation to areas where specific progress had been made, and areas that required further development.  Issues were highlighted relating to leadership and governance, establishing effective safeguarding practices, recruitment and retention of staff, and establishing and maintaining effective and high-quality practice. 


The Interim Head of improvement referred to the letter from the Department for Education (DfE) at Appendix 2 of the report, which gave feedback on the Council’s progress with improvements.  The DfE had listed the areas where positive improvements had been made, and those which required further improvement, and its overall conclusion was that satisfactory progress had been made over the first six months of the Improvement Notice. 


The following principal points were made in discussion:


  • Members had an improved understanding of safeguarding issues, following a series of seminars, and improvements to scrutiny arrangements which included task and finish group dedicated to developing Members’ knowledge and enabling them to challenge aspects of safeguarding. 
  • Whilst challenges remained in relation to areas such as rates of progress, recruitment, and workloads, it was important note that the DfE feedback represented an important indicator that progress was being made as expected, and that the correct focus and support was being directed to areas requiring improvement. 
  • In respect of recruitment, there were particular challenges relating to management posts, and the Council had introduced market force supplements in order to compete more effectively. 
  • By the time of the next Ofsted inspection a new framework would be in place, focussing on vulnerable people, with the aim of providing sustainable safeguarding arrangements which would avoid any of the previous inadequate practices.  Members noted that the realistic aim was for the Council to improve to a “Good” rating by 2015/2016. 

RESOLVED:   that

(a)          the report be noted; and

(b)               a further update report be provided in three months’ time.