Issue - meetings

Options for Museums, Customer Services and Libraries

Meeting: 19/09/2013 - Cabinet (Item 28)

28 Options for Museums, Customer Services and Libraries pdf icon PDF 147 KB

To consider and determine the options for the future operation of Museums, Customer Services and Libraries, in the light of budget pressures and changing trends in accessing services. 

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Members Corporate and Assets, and Enterprise and Culture, presented a report which outlined options for the future operation of museums, customer services and libraries.  The report reflected the need to address both budget pressures and changing trends in accessing these services.  It was recommended that savings were realised across all three services, taking account of the results of an equalities impact and needs assessment, customer feedback, and comments from stakeholder focus groups.  It was emphasised that the recommendations sought approval for preliminary service changes, with the future levels of service being evaluated at a later stage when the budget for the entire Council was set. 

Cabinet noted that two petitions had been received in respect of this agenda item, namely one in support of Leintwardine Library, and one from the 38 Degrees website, entitled “Save Herefordshire’s Libraries”.  In accordance with the Council’s petitions scheme, the latter petition had been debated at full Council when submitted on the 24th May, in the context of the overall budget position. 

Members thanked the petitioners and all those who had completed surveys and participated in the consultations.  The Cabinet Member Enterprise and Culture said that the feedback had helped to provide a clear sense of direction for future service provision, and had highlighted the areas where it was important to maintain a service, albeit on reduced hours in some cases.  He said that the recommendation allowed scope to consider the future of the smaller libraries in terms of what input could be provided by local communities.  Similarly, the options for museums would need to be developed further over time, in discussion with stakeholders. 

Members made the following additional points:

  • Any decision made in respect of museums, customers services and libraries, would be made against a background of unprecedented financial difficulty, which mirrored the national, as well as the local situation.  Members would continue to try to find the optimum solution which would preserve as many services as possible, whilst making the best use of resources in the challenging financial climate. 
  • In response to a question, the Head of Governance and Monitoring Officer confirmed that, in accordance with the constitution, the decision was the responsibility of the executive rather than full Council. 
  • The General Overview and Scrutiny Committee would conduct a very brief review – not a call-in - to ensure that the best options were being pursued, with the aim of reporting its findings by the end of November 2013. 

RESOLVED:   that

(a)  For Customer Services and Libraries, Option 2 (Core Service with Top Up) be implemented as a preliminary decision;

(b)  For the Museum service, Option 2 (Reduced Service Option) as a preliminary option be implemented whilst Option 3 (discussions with existing trusts) be commenced; and

(c)  The Director for Economy, Communities and Corporate services, in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Enterprise and Community and Corporate and Assets, be delegated to finalise details of the options to be implemented.