Issue - meetings

Committee Work Programme

Meeting: 10/03/2015 - General scrutiny committee (Item 65)

65 Work programme and task and finish groups pdf icon PDF 59 KB

To note progress and to receive updates on work allocated to task and finish groups.


The committee received a report which noted progress against the work programme during the current municipal year.  The Chairman noted that the work programme would need to be reviewed and updated at the start of the next administration. 


The Vice-Chairman provided an overview of the work being undertaken by the Task and Finish Group on Development Management (Planning) and said that the associated report would be made available for consideration by the committee at its next meeting.


The Chairman thanked the Vice-Chairman, committee members and support officers for their input during the year.  He also thanked members of the public for their attendance and for the interesting questions that had been received.


RESOLVED:   That the report be noted.

Meeting: 18/02/2015 - General scrutiny committee (Item 54)

54 Draft Work Programme pdf icon PDF 89 KB

To consider the committee’s work programme.

Additional documents:


The committee’s work programme was received.

RESOLVED:  That the work programme be noted.

Meeting: 04/11/2014 - General scrutiny committee (Item 29)

29 Draft Work Programme and Task and Finish Groups pdf icon PDF 49 KB

To consider the committee’s work programme and to receive verbal updates on task and finish groups in progress.

Additional documents:


The committee received the draft work programme and updates were received, from the respective chairman, on progress with the task and finish groups on Community Infrastructure Levy, Development Management (Planning) and Balfour Beatty Living Places. 

A committee member noted that there was important work to be undertaken on Digital Strategy but time was limited before the pre-election period.

RESOLVED:  That the work programme be noted.

Meeting: 08/09/2014 - General scrutiny committee (Item 19)

19 Draft Work Programme and Task and Finish Groups pdf icon PDF 73 KB

To consider the committee’s work programme and to allocate tasks to task and finish groups, as necessary.

Additional documents:


The committee considered the work programme, the main points included:


i.        Referring to the item on smallholdings, scheduled for 4 November 2014, the Director of Economy, Communities and Corporate advised that there was a lot of work to be undertaken on the various options before a report was submitted to Cabinet.  The committee would receive an update presentation at the earliest opportunity.  The Chairman noted that the matter needed to be examined properly and it appeared likely that a decision would not be taken before the next municipal year.


ii.       It was noted that three meetings of the Community Infrastructure Levy Task and Finish Group were scheduled in coming weeks to progress phase three of its work.  It was also noted that arrangements were being made for task and finish groups in relation to Balfour Beatty Living Places, Development Management (Planning), and Digital Strategy.  The scoping statement for the Development Management (Planning) group was appended to the report; it was suggested that the Chairman of the Planning Committee be included as a potential witness.


iii.      Briefing papers had been issued to members of the committee on: Education Strategy for Herefordshire; Early Years, Schools, Free Schools, Academies, Colleges and the Relationship with Herefordshire Council Update; and Update on Home to School Transport.


iv.      Outline scoping statements on Pupil Premium and Hidden / Actual Costs of Education were appended to the report.  The Chairman requested that Education officers prepare further background information on these topics.   Comments from committee members included: faith schools should be invited to contribute to the research; it was important to understand how Pupil Premium was being used; and, as eligibility for free school meals was used as the main measure of deprivation at pupil level, the introduction of universal infant free school meals could have consequential impacts upon Pupil Premium.




(a)     the work programme be noted;


(b)     a Development Control (Planning) Task and Finish Group be established to undertake the work outlined in the scoping statement; and


(c)     Education officers be requested to prepare further background information on Pupil Premium and the Hidden / Actual Costs of Education to inform potential future scrutiny work.

Meeting: 30/06/2014 - General scrutiny committee (Item 7)

7 Draft Work Programme pdf icon PDF 73 KB

To consider the committee’s work programme.

Additional documents:


The Chairman said that the committee needed to consider various changes and additions to the work programme.


In response to a question from the Chairman, the Assistant Director, Governance advised that the terms of reference of the two overview and scrutiny committees were mutually exclusive and housing was a matter for this committee.




Community Safety Strategy


Referring to discussions at the last meeting about domestic violence and abuse, the Vice-Chairman suggested that a seminar be held on this topic for members of both overview and scrutiny committees, with input from the key agencies concerned.  Committee members commented on: the links between public health and environmental health functions; the correlation between drug / alcohol abuse and domestic violence; and reports of premature deaths of homeless people.  The Cabinet Member Health and Wellbeing commented on the differences between people seeking social housing and those people who consciously chose to sleep rough.  In view of the broader issues raised, the Cabinet Member Corporate Services suggested that the seminar could cover the principal work-streams of the Community Safety Strategy.


Understanding Herefordshire


A seminar on the Understanding Herefordshire 2014 report was suggested for members of both overview and scrutiny committees.


Task and Finish Groups


In response to a question, the Chairman confirmed that task and finish groups would be routinely listed in the work programme for future editions.


Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP)


In response to a question from a committee member, it was reported that the governance arrangements for the LEP were due to be considered by Cabinet in late July 2014 and that this report would be awaited before the need for any scrutiny work was assessed.


Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)


In view of the recent change of Vice-Chairman and given the expectation that the Vice-Chairman would chair a high proportion of task and finish groups, the Chairman suggested that consideration should be given to Councillor Durkin replacing Councillor Harvey as chair of the CIL Task and Finish Group.


Councillor Harvey commented on a number of issues, including: the recent background to this matter; that CIL was a long standing and on-going piece of policy shaping work and was material to the viability and deliverability of the Core Strategy; and the potential detrimental impact on public perceptions if a change was made at this time. 


Some committee members made comments about: the importance of continuity; the initial intention that task and finish groups should be chaired by councillors with specific knowledge of a particular area; the difficulties experienced by the CIL Task and Finish Group; and the need to conclude the work as soon as possible given the importance of CIL to the soundness of the Core Strategy.


The Assistant Director, Governance provided clarification that Council had approved changes to allowances for the vice-chairmen of the two overview and scrutiny committees to reflect the expectation that the vice-chairmen would chair a certain percentage of task and finish groups (minute 42 of 23 November 2012 refers).


A motion to change the chair of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7

Meeting: 12/05/2014 - General scrutiny committee (Item 82)

82 Draft Work Programme pdf icon PDF 72 KB

To consider the Committee’s work programme.

Additional documents:


The Chairman suggested that, in view of the comment at minute 80 above and given the intention to consider a progress report on the ‘Home to School Commissioning Approach’ in September, a short piece of work could be undertaken to identify any issues with the software.  The Chairman and the Vice-Chairman would consider the best way forward.


The Vice-Chairman drew attention to briefing notes that were pending (on Education & Sustainability Strategy and Free Schools, Academies & the Relationship with Herefordshire Council) and requested that these be received in time to inform the Task and Finish Group on ‘The real cost of a child’s education’.  Referring to the 6 January 2014 meeting (minute 53 refers), it was requested that School Examination Performance figures for 2013 be circulated to Members.


The Vice-Chairman noted that the Task and Finish Group on Household Recycling Centres was due to report to the June meeting and suggested that it would be timely to receive the Performance Report on Waste Management briefing note.


Due to time constraints, the Executive Rolling Programme was considered at the end of the meeting.  The Vice-Chairman noted that the latest Understanding Herefordshire Report was due to be received by Cabinet in June and suggested that the document be taken to the September meeting of the committee, in order to shape the work programme.  The Vice-Chairman also noted that the Local Transport Plan 4 was to be considered by the Cabinet Member Infrastructure in June and suggested that this could form part of the work programme.


RESOLVED:  That the work programme be noted.

Meeting: 10/03/2014 - General scrutiny committee (Item 72)

72 Draft Work Programme pdf icon PDF 72 KB

To consider the Committee’s work programme.

Additional documents:


The Chairman reported that:

i.           The Digital Strategy Task and Finish Group had commenced its work on 5 March and a further meeting was due to be held on 20 March 2014.  The Vice-Chairman outlined the work to be undertaken and said that nominations were awaited from the Conservatives and Independents.  The Herefordshire Independents Group Leader advised that Councillor JF Knipe was interested in attending the group.

ii.          A visit was to be arranged to Planning Services for Members, with the intention of establishing a short Task and Finish Group to consider how, following changes to structure of the department, statutory duties were being fulfilled and timescales were being complied with.

iii.         A number of issues were outstanding with the Amey / Balfour Beatty transition and, therefore, any scrutiny work would not be progressed until these issues had been resolved.  The Chairman added that he was due to meet with a Balfour Beatty director and would report back in due course.


A Committee Member advised that work was progressing well on the Task and Finish Group on Household Recycling Centres; this would feed into Worcestershire County Council’s own review.

Meeting: 06/01/2014 - General scrutiny committee (Item 51)

51 Draft Work Programme pdf icon PDF 72 KB

To consider the Committee’s work programme.

Additional documents:


The Chairman suggested the commissioning of an additional Task and Finish Group to consider the hand-over of public realm services from Amey to Balfour Beatty.


It was noted that there was a Committee scheduled for Monday 12 May 2014; it was incorrectly listed as 2 May 2014 on the Work Programme.


The Vice-Chairman noted that a key decision was to be considered by the Cabinet Member Infrastructure on or after 17 January 2014 in respect of the Hoople Contract.  In view of this, it was suggested that a briefing note be circulated to Members, to inform when a report on Hoople would be presented to the Committee.


In response to a question from a co-opted member, it was reported that the Council’s approach to consultation processes remained an area of interest for both scrutiny committees and there was an intention to convene a joint Task and Finish Group on this issue in due course.

Meeting: 11/11/2013 - General scrutiny committee (Item 35)

35 Draft Work Programme pdf icon PDF 72 KB

To consider the Committee’s work programme.

Additional documents:


The Chairman invited the Vice-Chairman to review the draft work programme with the Committee.  The Vice-Chairman noted that a number of items had been identified for consideration but had not moved forward subsequently and suggested that the work programme and associated documents be tidied up, especially as Committee meetings were to be scheduled bi-monthly in the future.  The principal points arising from the discussion are summarised below.


Draft work programme


The scheduled programme, for January 2014 (Fire Service Consultation) and February 2014 (Budget), was noted.


Issues identified for consideration but not scheduled


Performance Report on Hoople:

The Vice-Chairman requested that this report come forward to a Committee meeting before the end of the financial year.  For continuity of information, this should reference previous reports on the company’s performance and ten-year plan.  A Member suggested that this could include an update on IT, including Frameworki and Agresso.


Document Control and Information:

This would be subsumed into the work of the Digital Strategy Task and Finish Group.


Financial Inclusion Strategy:

As with other items scheduled for the cancelled 9 December 2013 meeting, the Scrutiny Officer would request officers to prepare a briefing note for Members; if it was felt that a more in depth review was required, an agenda item could be scheduled for a future meeting.


Budget Monitoring:

As a future Committee agenda item, this could be removed from the list.


Response to the Francis Enquiry:

A briefing note on the implications for the scrutiny function would be circulated.


School Examination Performance:

The Assistant Director People’s Services Commissioning had requested that this form a future agenda item given current performance issues in the county.


The Chairman commented that there was a debate nationally about the role of scrutiny with academies and free schools; although they were set up as stand-alone institutions, the local authority was still responsible for safeguarding and the welfare of the children attending those schools.  Therefore, it was noted that work might be needed in this area.


Referring to budget monitoring, a Member in attendance questioned whether bi-monthly meetings were sufficient given the critical financial situation and asked whether a standing forum could be established.  In response, the Chairman reported that the Leader was in the process of making arrangements for such a group, incorporating Members of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and Audit and Governance Committee.


Reviews identified for feasibility study


Governance and Management of Joint Ventures / Partnering Arrangements:


The Vice-Chairman requested that this item remain on the list for future consideration.

Review of the Council’s Communication Policy:

It was suggested that elements of this could be reviewed in the Digital Strategy work, given the increasing prominence of the Council’s website and other forms of digital communication.


Monitoring the Council’s ‘Public Services Vision’:

The Vice-Chairman noted that a budget consultation was being undertaken at present and this would inform future direction.  The Scrutiny Officer suggested that this matter be dealt with via a briefing note, ahead of Committee meeting on the budget.


Accommodation Strategy:  ...  view the full minutes text for item 35

Meeting: 01/10/2013 - General scrutiny committee (Item 8.)

8. Committee Work Programme pdf icon PDF 73 KB

To consider the Committee’s work programme.

Additional documents:

Meeting: 03/09/2013 - General scrutiny committee (Item 28)

28 Committee Work Programme pdf icon PDF 73 KB

To consider the Committee work programme.

Additional documents:


The Chairman noted the need to populate the work programme and suggested the following:


        A short-term Task and Finish Group on the Cultural Services review, to include museums and libraries.


        A longer-term Task and Finish Group on the future of Planning Services; it was noted that restructuring of the service was currently being consulted upon.


        There was work to be finalised on Frameworki and Agresso, with more research to be undertaken on the role of Hoople.


A Committee Member suggested that the Committee consider new organisational priorities.


In response to a question, the Chairman advised that the dedicated Scrutiny Officer role had been retained but Governance Services had made reductions in the numbers of Democratic Services Officers, therefore the frequency of meetings might not be sustainable going forward and the Committee needed to be focused.  It was noted that General Overview and Scrutiny Committee meetings would become bi-monthly, alternating with the Health and Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


The Vice-Chairman reported that a draft scoping statement had been prepared, and would be circulated shortly, for the Task and Finish Group on the Digital Strategy; this would include consideration of technology solutions to offset the impacts of cuts to services and to enable people to access the Council in new ways.  Expressions of interest in serving on the group were sought from Members.


The Vice-Chairman also reported that the Assistant Director Economic, Environment and Cultural Services was preparing a timetable for the next phase of work in relation to the Task and Finish Group on the Community Infrastructure Levy.


A Committee Member suggested that consideration be given to the governance and management of joint ventures and partnership arrangements, particularly given earlier comments about Hereford Futures and recent issues with the Marches LEP.


The Committee also discussed whether work should be undertaken in respect of public conveniences but, on balance, it was concluded that enough had been added to the work programme.


The Chairman reminded Committee Members that a scrutiny training event was to be held on Monday 16 September 2013.

Meeting: 16/07/2013 - General scrutiny committee (Item 19)

19 Committee Work Programme pdf icon PDF 46 KB

To consider the Committee work programme.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the draft work programme, the following points were made:


·                It was noted that an update on the Waste Contract was expected at the 3 September 2013 meeting and the Chairman suggested that representatives of the Herefordshire and Worcestershire Action Group be invited to attend.  In response to a question from the Vice-Chairman, the Scrutiny Officer said that the relevant officer would be asked to expedite a briefing paper for Members on Waste Contract performance; it was understood that the paper was awaiting confirmation with Worcestershire County Council.  The Chairman expressed concern about the level of scrutiny on this topic at Worcestershire County Council.


·                A Committee Member, referring to the Reviews Identified for Feasibility Study, suggested that the proposed review on Financial Support to the Arts should be widened to include the support given to arts in remote / rural areas.  The Chairman said that, in view of the financial situation, the review had been put on hold for the time being but would remain on the work programme.  The Scrutiny Officer added that the Cabinet Member Enterprise and Culture had recently suggested that the Committee look at issues relating to libraries and museums.


·                The Vice-Chairman suggested combining work on the Council’s IT Strategy and Systems with work on the Digital Strategy; expressions of interest would be sought from Councillors shortly.


·                The Chairman advised that a piece of work on Proactis and Frameworki would be progressed in the autumn.