Issue - meetings

Local Development Framework

Meeting: 19/07/2013 - Council (Item 20)


To approve the Herefordshire Local Plan – Core Strategy 2011 – 2031 (draft) for pre-submission publication in accordance with regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012 (as amended).

Additional documents:


The Leader addressed Council and made the following comments in his opening remarks on the Herefordshire Local Plan/Core Strategy:


·         It was a credible strategic plan addressing key issues for the city and rural areas setting out the future economic growth.

·         The plan has been considered by the General Overview and Scrutiny Committee (GOSC) and Cabinet had held detailed discussions with the Cabinet Member.

·         When considering the plan Members should take a strategic and not local view.


The Cabinet Member Environment, Housing and Planning presented the report of the Assistant Director Economic, Environment and Cultural Services on the Herefordshire Local Plan / Core Strategy and made the following comments.


·         The plan is part of an on-going process since 2007, which will eventually replace the Unitary Development Plan and take the County through to 2031.

·         The plan is essential for the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of the County.

·         The plan will be reinforced by the Council’s Area Action Plans and by town and parish council Neighbourhood Plans.

·         Seven public consultations have been carried out over six years between 2007/13. The Plan has matured and therefore options proposed in earlier versions have now been removed.

·         Subject to Council’s approval this plan will be submitted to the Secretary of State for independent inspection.


Next Stages:

Ø  Autumn 2013, publication and submission of the plan.

Ø  Winter 2013/Spring 2014, Inspection of the plan.

Ø  Summer 2014, adoption of the plan.


The Cabinet Member thanked all those who had taken part in the process of developing the plan and thanked officers for their hard work and support.  He added that the proposed Local Plan / Core Strategy 2011/31 provided a framework for the future prosperity of Herefordshire.


Group Leaders and the Chairman of the GOSC addressed Council and made the following comments on the plan:


·         Some town and parish councils felt they had not been consulted properly.

·         A large building programme of homes was proposed but it was felt there was not the employment to sustain families.

·         It was felt that both the Enterprise Park at Leominster and the industrial estate at Rotherwas were under used.

·         Not having an eastern road option showed a major gap in the plan.

·         It was felt that the plan was not viable, sustainable and reliable and it was suggested that a three month delay, to review and re-evaluate, would produce a better plan. 

·         It was felt Council was being asked to approve a plan that had no economic strategy and a core strategy that was not sustainable.

·         It was felt that the responses of the public had been ignored.

·         The administration needs to ensure that it has got the process correct.

·         After reviewing the plan the GOSC had made the recommendation to defer until October 2013.


Councillor A Seldon moved that consideration of the Herefordshire Local Plan/Core Strategy be deferred for three months to allow for further consultation.  The motion was seconded by Councillor WLS Bowen.


The following comments were made in discussing the proposed Notice of Motion:


·         Town  ...  view the full minutes text for item 20