Issue - meetings


Meeting: 26/10/2012 - Licensing Sub-Committee (Item 75)


To further consider an application, which was previously deferred, for the grant of a premises licence in respect of the ‘Steiner Academy, Hereford, HR2 8DL’.




The determination of the application was adjourned at the meeting of 16 October 2012 pending further discussions in respect of suitable conditions.


All representations from interested parties were considered at the original meeting and no further discussion on the application will take place.


Attendees are requested to bring a copy of the report of the previous meeting with them, further copies of the report will be made available at the meeting if required.




The Regulatory Sub-Committee had been reconvened from 16th October 2012 [minute 9 of 2012/13 refers] in order to consider further an application for a new premises licence in respect of the Steiner Academy, Hereford, HR2 8DL.


The Chairman introduced the Members and Officers.  There were no interested parties present.


The Chairman then read out the following statement:


1.         This meeting is to further consider an application - which was previously deferred - for the grant of a premises licence in respect of the Steiner Academy, Much Dewchurch, Hereford.


2.         Since this Committee last sat on 16th October, Officers of the Council’s Licensing Team have put together a package of licence conditions which have been accepted by the Applicant Academy subject to any amendments required by the Members of this Committee today.


3.         This Committee is willing to hear comments from the Applicant or objectors [had they been present] relating to the wording of these conditions but I wish to be very clear that my colleagues and I have already heard representations from both sides and do not wish to re-open the hearing to re-consider the essential issues of this matter.


4.         I now turn to the subject of the letters forming part of the report to the last meeting which were extensively redacted.  There has been publicity over this and concerns raised.  The Committee and the Council have listened to these concerns and changes will be made.  I wish to be clear that full copies of these letters were made available to everyone no less than 30 minutes before the last meeting as is standard procedure.  I must also make it plain that the reason for these extensive redactions was to avoid objectors straying away from the 4 licensing objectives in their representations with the corresponding risk of the Committee’s Members making any decision for inappropriate reasons.


5.         The changes I referred to are that in future those parts of any letters attached as a representation which will be considered will be underlined while those which will not will not be marked in anyway.  This will permit the whole document to be read although it will not be considered by the Committee Members.  I must emphasis however that personal information in line with the Data Protection Act may be redacted if requested.  Such relevant legislation as shall be in force will be followed.


6.         I do hope that the above makes our position plain and acceptable to all.  My Committee simply seeks to give all parties who appear before us a fair hearing in accordance with legislation and the rules of natural justice.


The Team Manager (Licensing) reported that the proposed conditions had been agreed by the applicant and were presented for consideration by the Sub-Committee.  Furthermore, in response to concerns expressed by an objector since the last meeting, the applicant had agreed to remove Bank Holiday Mondays from the application.


A Committee Member noted that, at the previous meeting, an objector had raised a concern about noise emanating  ...  view the full minutes text for item 75

Meeting: 16/10/2012 - Licensing Sub-Committee (Item 70)


To consider an application for the grant of a premises licence in respect of the ‘Steiner Academy, Hereford, HR2 8DL’.


The Regulatory Sub Committee was convened in order to determine an application for a new premises licence in respect of The Steiner Academy, Hereford, HR2 8DL’. The application was submitted in accordance with Section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003.


The Chairman introduced the Members and Officers and asked any interested parties to introduce themselves. The following attendees were noted:


·         Wendy Cotton (Representing the Applicant)

·         Niki Nakamura (Representing the Applicant)

·         Bella Brown (Chair of the Much Dewchurch Society & Neighbouring Resident)

·         Janet Bright (Neighbouring Resident)


At this stage it was noted that a representation from the Much Dewchurch Society had been omitted from the agenda pack. The meeting was adjourned for 10 minutes to allow the letter to be circulated to all parties present.


The Licensing Officer presented his report and advised the Sub-Committee that the advertisement had been received and was accepted.


Mrs Brown addressed the Sub-Committee regarding her concerns in respect of the application. She was advised that a number of her concerns related to issues outside of the Sub-Committee’s remit and was requested to address the four licensing objectives, namely Public Safety, the Prevention of Crime and Disorder, the Protection of Children from Harm and the Prevention of Public Nuisance.


Mrs Brown expressed her concerns relating to noise emanating from the premises with particular reference being made to the impact this could have on the neighbouring church. She also added that in her opinion the school should use Temporary Event Notices for their weekend and evening activities, this would still allow them to hold 12 events per year. She advised the Sub-Committee that she had spoken to the Head of the School who had advised that they would prefer a licence which allowed them the option to hold events on any particular day, and therefore he had submitted a ‘blanket’ application.


Mrs Bright, a neighbouring resident, also addressed her concerns in respect of the application. She also raised the issue of noise and drew Members’ attention to a recent event which had taken place at the school on Saturday 13 October 2012 which had caused significant disturbance to neighbouring residents. As well as the noise issues she also raised concern in respect of light pollution and vehicular movements at the school.


The Licensing Officer asked a number of questions, Mrs Bright advised that the event was indoors but a number of children were in the courtyard; the person who had organised the event apologised to neighbours stating that he could not control the children; she was unsure if the doors and windows were kept closed but didn’t believe they were due to noise levels; the noise from the music was coming from inside the premises; and there did not appear to be anybody from the academy onsite monitoring noise levels.


The Committee also heard from Mrs Cotton and Ms Nakamura, representing the Steiner Academy.  Mrs Cotton advised that the school had reopened in 2008 after a major refurbishment and that the funding agreement required the school facilities  ...  view the full minutes text for item 70