Issue - meetings


Meeting: 17/03/2011 - Cabinet (Item 97)


To present a draft engagement framework for Herefordshire for comment, consideration and approval, following its development through Herefordshire Partnership.

Additional documents:


The Chairman for the meeting, Councillor JP French, introduced the Herefordshire Partnership Engagement Framework to Cabinet and advised that this item and the report on the Locality Strategy for Herefordshire were interlinked and would be dealt with together by the director.


The following points were made:


·         The locality strategy for Herefordshire was the overarching document and the key objectives were:

Ø      Better engagement

Ø      Localised services

Ø      Empowered communities

  • Further detail on the engagement strategy was emerging, however, considerable work had already been done through the Hearts of Herefordshire project and it is proposed that this style of working in the communities is rolled out across the county.
  • Consultation has been carried out through the Herefordshire Partnership, Local Strategic Partnership and HALC (Herefordshire Association of Local Councils).   Any parishes that were not part of HALC were to receive documentation providing a full explanation of the engagement strategy in the post.
  • It was noted there were some misgivings on the part of the Parish Councils, as it was felt there was an expectation that parishes would be expected to take on additional responsibilities, without additional support or funding.  It was agreed that closer communication was needed with the parishes to allay any concerns. 
  • The Monitoring Officer confirmed that the power to delegate additional responsibilities to Parish Councils was not reliant on the forthcoming Localism Bill, as the ability for local authorities to do this had been in place since the 1972 Act.  Cabinet was reminded that for Parish Councils to take on additional powers would have to done through agreement and was not something that could be enforced upon Parishes.
  • The Parish Council Charter was being refreshed and was due to be consulted on.  The Charter would set out protocols in light of emerging legislation.
  • In discussing issues around community led planning meetings in Parishes, Cabinet agreed that planning terminology was an area that could be easily misunderstood.  It was agreed that a glossary of terms should be compiled, which would be informative and easily understandable for all.

It was noted that it was proposed to have nine localities for community engagement.  Members in attendance felt that it was important that these localities were based on communities and it was believed there were more district communities than the nine localities.


         THAT:       a)      Cabinet approved in principle the draft engagement framework; and

                           b)      Delegated to the Chief Executive final approval, taking account of the views expressed by Parish Councils.