Issue - meetings


Meeting: 25/11/2010 - Cabinet (Item 71)


To consider a report on responses to the statutory notice to discontinue Dilwyn Church of England Primary School (Dilwyn School) and to determine if the school should close with effect from 31 August 2011. 


Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member ICT, Education and Achievement presented the report on Dilwyn Church of England Primary School and highlighted the following points:

  • All evidence concluded that Dilwyn School was not a stand alone viable and sustainable educational facility within the Herefordshire framework of schools.  The evidence had not changed since the closure notice was debated at Cabinet on 12 July 2010.
  • The local authority had, over the last eighteen months, supported and assisted Dilwyn School in looking at ways to work with others and in maintaining the level of provision at the school.  The federation proposal prepared by the Headteacher of St Mary’s Roman Catholic (RC) School, Lugwardine, with the support of school governors, was the only hope of keeping Dilwyn School open.
  • Following the notice of closure of Dilwyn School as agreed at Cabinet a period of consultation had taken place.  The local authority received support from many people in the Dilwyn area which placed an emphasis on allowing the federation to be given a chance.
  • Significant time and effort had been put into updating the federation proposal by St Mary’s RC School which had been supporting Dilwyn School for some time at their own cost.
  • The submission of the new proposal was supported by the Governors of St Mary’s RC School, so long as it received unanimous support from both the Diocese of Hereford and the Arch Diocese of Cardiff, and that the viability and sustainability of provision was ensured so that St Mary’s RC School would not be placed in a position whereby financial assistance would have to be given.
  • The Diocese of Hereford, the Arch Dioceses of Cardiff, and the Governors of St Mary’s RC School were not now in support of the federation proposal.


The Interim Director of Children’s Services informed Members of recent events and formally introduced a joint statement signed by representatives from the Diocese of Hereford, the Arch Diocese of Cardiff, the Governors of St Mary’s RC School and the local authority on 22 November 2010, which had been circulated at the meeting.  Cabinet was specifically directed to the points outlined in the key consideration section of the report, which set out the process, issues raised and the response to the issues raised.  The following points were highlighted:

  • The statutory notice, published on 9 September 2010, invoked a six week period during which time anyone could comment on or object to the proposal.
  • All the 67 responses to the statutory notice objected to the proposal and the points raised considered in the development of the report. 
  • The responses indicated strong support to the continuation of the school both for educational reasons and to ensure the sustainability of the community. 
  • The majority of the respondents favoured the proposal to federate with St Mary’s RC school.  In several responses the view was expressed that such a proposal would attract more pupils as currently the pupil numbers were low as parents had chosen alternative schools due to the long term perceived threat of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 71