Issue - meetings


Meeting: 21/10/2010 - Cabinet (Item 65)


To agree a timetable and consultation arrangements for the 2011/12 budget in line with the requirements of the Constitution.



The Cabinet Member Resources presented the Budget Consultation report to Cabinet, which he advised had been carried out in line with the Council’s Constitution outlined at Appendix A to the report.  The Cabinet Member added that this year’s consultation on the Comprehensive Spending Review would be extensive given the economic position nationally and referred Cabinet to Appendix B to the report, which gave the schedule of meetings.  The Cabinet Member commended the report on budget consultation to Cabinet.


A question was raised on how general the consultation would be as residents would want to know specific information on how they would be affected in Herefordshire.  The Leader of the Council stated there was a clear process outlined in the report and shared services had agreed the scale of redundancies required for the savings that needed to be made.  The Leader added that the views of the public would be reported and that the challenges would be dealt with as set out in the budget.  It was agreed that Members would be kept informed regarding redundancies before it was made known in the media. 


The Chairman of Overview and Scrutiny reiterated that Members would wish to be kept informed on staff redundancies and suggested a Member seminar was held in mid December as the matter would not be discussed at Cabinet again until January 2011.  The Leader stated that budget planning was further ahead this year because of the current financial situation.  It was anticipated that there would be 30% cuts over the next four years.  Should this substantially differ then a Member briefing would be considered.  Cabinet was reminded that the government had removed the ring fencing of funds so that local authorities could decide where funds were spent and that extra funding was to be made available for social care.  It was noted that the organisational design strategy would assist with deciding which posts would be made redundant.  The Deputy Chief Executive reassured Cabinet that staff would be treated carefully when looking at minimising the number of posts.


a)      the approach to consultation and engagement with the public be approved; and

b)     the proposed timetable attached at Appendix B to the report be approved.