Issue - meetings


Meeting: 26/11/2009 - Cabinet (Item 41)


To report performance for the period April-September 2009-10 against the Council’s key indicators and associated projects and programmes in its Annual Operating Statement 2009-10.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member Corporate and Customer Services presented the report, which was  the second in the new style . She advised Cabinet that the format had been slightly revised to take into consideration the suggestions made by Strategic Monitoring Committee and others on the first such report.  Cabinet had been made aware of the budget monitoring revisions that had been made subsequent to this reporting cycle of the integrated corporate performance report, which covered to the end of September. 


The Corporate Policy and Research Manager advised Cabinet that there was a mixed picture overall, but this included significant improvements compared to the end of first quarter. In particular, he highlighted the increase in  the number of Local Area Agreement indicators that were on track to achieve target and that action plans were now either in place or in preparation for all of them, as well as the big improvement in relation to the timely assessment of children in need, which was now ahead of target. While waste disposal indicators were now improving, the indicators for clean streets  needed to be brought back on track and an action plan had been drawn up to address the issues. 


He advised Members that adult social care staff had had to prioritise safeguarding work in relation vulnerable people in residential care, which had led to performance in relation to timely assessments and the delivery of care packages falling below target. There was no current reason to believe that there was an underlying falling off of performance in this respect.  The Leader reminded Cabinet again of the updating of figures which had been made subsequent to the report being printed.


Cabinet went on to discuss:


·         the Safer Communities Partnership and the improvement in the reduction in the number of people killed or seriously injured in road accidents;

·         the reduction in C02 emissions by Amey Wye Valley vehicles; and,

·         other issues in respect of safer and stronger communities.



THAT: Performance to the end of September 2009 and the measures being taken to address areas of under-performance be noted.