Issue - meetings

Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan 'Saved' Policies

Meeting: 25/06/2009 - Cabinet (Item 5)

5 Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan 'Saved' Policies pdf icon PDF 123 KB

This report seeks Cabinet’s agreement to submit a proposal to the Government Office for the West Midlands (GOWM) to retain Unitary Development Plan (UDP) policies after 22 March 2010. The legislation requires that the proposed list of policies to be saved must be submitted to the Government Office for the West Midlands six months in advance i.e. by 22 September 2009. Under the provisions of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, UDP policies will cease to apply after this date unless the Secretary of State issues a direction extending their life.


Additional documents:


Members were advised that under the new planning arrangements the Council was continuing to establish its Local Development Framework (LDF), and that the Unitary Development Plan (UDP) formed part of the framework until it was replaced by other plan documents.  As the replacement policies would not be adopted prior to the automatic expiration date of UDP policies, the Council would need to apply to the Secretary of State to retain any policies at least six months before the expiry date.   In deciding which policies to save there was a need to demonstrate that the policies reflected the principles of local development frameworks and were consistent with current national policy; a series of six criteria were considered in forming this view. 


In response to a question raised, the Planning Policy Manager advised Members that a saved policy would automatically save any accompanying supplementary planning documents.




(a)   Cabinet recommends to Council to approve those policies and proposals within the Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan that the Council wish to be saved as set out in Appendix 1 of the report and those not to be saved as set out in Appendix 2 of the report beyond the expiry of the three-year saved period; and


(b)   The Secretary of State’s agreement be sought to issue a direction to this effect.