Issue - meetings


Meeting: 19/03/2009 - Cabinet (Item 99)


To approve the Refreshed Local Area Agreement for submission to the Secretary of State for approval.


Additional documents:


The Acting Herefordshire Partnership Manager presented the report on the Local Area Agreement Refresh stating that some of the targets had been deferred at the time of the original submission and the refresh gave the authority the opportunity to finalise these targets and also to revise targets which may have been adversely affected by the economic downturn.  Cabinet was reminded that at the time the report was printed information on three of the national indicators was outstanding.  With regard to indicator NI110 – positive activities for young people – Cabinet was advised that only three schools and one PRU had responded with information making the baseline information unreliable.  Following discussions with the Director of Children’s Services, it had been agreed to move this indicator in with other local indicators, thus taking it out of scope for the reward grant calculations.  With regard to NI17 – perception of anti social behaviour – Cabinet was advised that at the time of the original submission there was a low rate of crime in Herefordshire, but a high fear of crime and anti social behaviour (27%). The Place Survey results have brought this down to 12% and because of this it was felt there was a need to change to indicator NI21, which related to people’s perception on how West Mercia Constabulary and Herefordshire Council dealt with crime and anti social behaviour issues.  With regard to indicator NI171 – New Business Rate – Cabinet was advised that a decision on this indictor was still awaited.


The Chairman of the Strategic Monitoring Committee referred Cabinet to pages 14 and 15 of the report and stated that he felt that elected Members should be included in the refresh programme.  He also referred officers to potential partnership working that could be carried out with a well-known supermarket in relation to activities provided for children in the school holidays.


The Vice-Chairman of the Strategic Monitoring Committee referred to the issue of the fear of crime and its effect on a local area.  In referring to indicator NI19-126 he questioned whether this referred to the number of re-offenders or the number of offences and felt that some clarity was required.  The Chairman agreed and requested the Acting Herefordshire Partnership Manager write to those attending Cabinet to clarify the matter.


Cabinet noted that targets were measured on the perception people had of crime and it was added that the authority needed to be careful on how this was addressed, as perception could vary.  Cabinet went on to discuss issues relating to public perception and how the media portrayed this.  It was added that there was a need to address issues to ensure that there was not a perception that the authority did not care.

RESOLVED: That approval of the Refreshed Local Area Agreement be delegated to the Chief Executive.