Issue - meetings

Review of Asset Management and Property Services

Meeting: 25/06/2009 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Review of Asset Management and Property Services pdf icon PDF 124 KB

To update Cabinet on the review of Asset Management and Property Services and to propose alignment of the work with the emerging Shared Services activity.



The Cabinet Member for Resources provided Members with an update on the Review of Asset Management and Property Services (AMPS) which had been recently undertaken.  It was stated that the original timescale for completion of the review had been extended from March 2009 to provide the newly appointed Director of Resources the opportunity to consider the review in full.  Cabinet were informed of two factors which would have significant implications for the AMPS; the Comprehensive Area Assessment and the contribution of the AMPS to the Use of Resources assessment (specifically in relation to the management of its assets), and the shared services project which would provide a healthy challenge in delivery of services.


The Director of Resources thanked officers for their detailed work on the review and advised Cabinet that in relation to benchmarking data the property management satisfaction indicators currently rated the service in the top 10% of local authorities in the group.  He stated that there was a need to consider the potential implications and opportunities of the Quirk Review which looked at Community Management and Ownership of Assets, as had been recently demonstrated with the progression of the transfer of Grange Court to a local development trust.  The Director of Resources emphasised the potential future impact of the shared services agenda on the AMPS.


Responding to a query raised, the Director of Resourcs stated that the Carbon Reduction Commitment was a mandatory legally binding climate change and energy saving scheme which would come into effect from April 2010, however futher guidance was currently awaited from Government.  He stated that this Commitment may have an impact on the Council.




(a)   the contents of the report be noted.


(b)   Cabinet agreed that, pending the outcome of the work on Shared Services, the Asset Management and Property Services Division continues to explore service improvements.