Issue - meetings


Meeting: 16/10/2008 - Cabinet (Item 56)


To note progress on the work that the Council has done in regards to its Comprehensive Equality Policy and associated equality schemes.

Additional documents:


Cabinet considered a report which gave details on progress on the work that the Council has done with regard to its Comprehensive Equality Policy and Associated Equality Schemes (CEP and ES).

The Cabinet Member for Corporate and Customer Services and Human Resources expressed the view that the report was well written and clear to understand. She highlighted the recognition the Council had received at regional and national level and the visit of Shropshire County Council to receive training from Herefordshire Council officers. Cabinet noted the work of officers and Council partner organisations on the CEP and ES and the progress that had been made.

The Equality and Diversity Manager, referred to paragraph four of the report and to the external assessment which was due to be confirmed in November 2008 but would now not be confirmed until February 2009. Although this was later than expected, it was still on target. In referring to the MeWe film on Race Equality, she advised the film had been used for the training of officers and Members and would now be going out to all schools. She added that the Disability Equality Scheme was now in its second year and a review was being carried out regarding disability access with information on this being available shortly. She also added that there was an international day for disability coming on the 3 December 2008.

The Vice-Chairman of Strategic Monitoring Committee agreed that the report was good and important and hoped it would be adopted by the Herefordshire Primary Care Trust. He also drew attention to the problem of ageism and was advised it was an area being focused on. Cabinet was informed that although the CEP and AES had not yet been adopted by the PCT, discussions around joint working were underway.

The Leader referred to the ageing population who would need to continue to work longer to compensate for not having a final salary pension scheme.  He recognised the democratic practice in moving to eradicate ageism particularly with the increasing unemployment levels.

The Independent Group Leader asked how complaints received in relation to equality issues were dealt with. Cabinet was informed that all complaints were investigated and would either result in specific action being taken or that the investigation would show there was no complaint to answer.





(a)     progress in implementing the Comprehensive Equality Policy and associated schemes be noted;


(b)     the continued work of the Corporate Diversity Team and its implementation of the Equality Standard and the transition to the new Equality Framework be endorsed; and


(c)     the importance of maintaining the progress and commitment to equality schemes to ensure compliance with its statutory requirements be recognised.