Issue - meetings


Meeting: 01/05/2008 - Cabinet (Item 73)


To approve the use of a joint risk management strategy, policy and toolkit to be used by both the Council and the PCT; and the use of an Assurance Framework for reporting jointly all high risks previously reported separately as the Council’s corporate risk register, the PCT’s strategic risks and the high risks associated with the Herefordshire Public Services project.


Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Resources introduced the report which sought the approval of the Cabinet to the use of a joint risk management strategy, policy and toolkit for use by both the Council and the PCT.  Additionally, approval was also sought for the use of an Assurance Framework for reporting jointly all high risks previously reported separately in both organisations which would provide a greater degree of certainty to auditors and which would be reported to Cabinet as part of the Integrated Performance Report.


Head of Financial Services (David Powell) advised Cabinet that significant progress had been made in the last eighteen months on risk management issues and the package of documentation reflected the amalgamation of best practice from both organisations.  The supporting documentation provided information relating to matrices, templates and frameworks, all of which were important in supporting the progress of the organisation in relation to the Use of Resources target.


In response to a comment seeking clarification on the liability of Councillors and HPCT Non Executive Directors and detail of insurances for both groups, the Corporate Risk Manager stated that due to the nature and legislative basis of the organisations, separate insurance cover existed, the details of which would be provided to the member.


A member suggested that further consideration be given to the definition of Level 1 of the Likelihood Score that currently read; ‘Can’t believe that it will happen’.


The joint working that had been undertaken by the officers in both organisations to develop the integrated risk management documentation based on best practice was acknowledged and illustrated how the organisations were working together for the benefit of the residents. 




(a)   The combined risk management strategy, policy and toolkit be adopted for use throughout the Council; and

(b)   The Assurance Framework be used for reporting corporate high risks.