Issue - meetings


Meeting: 29/05/2008 - Cabinet (Item 6)


To seek approval for the publication of the Herefordshire Core Strategy Developing Options paper for consultation purposes together with the accompanying Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment reports.


Additional documents:


The Cabinet’s approval was sought for the publication of the Herefordshire Core Strategy Developing Options paper for consultation purposes, together with the accompanying Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment reports.  The Cabinet Member for Environment and Strategic Housing stated that the series of options for how the County could develop up to 2026 assumed the new levels of growth contained in the revised RSS (as discussed in the previous agenda item).  It was emphasised that the options themselves were not for consideration by Cabinet at this stage.  Initial consultation had taken place during 2007 and it was stated that the plan would be locally distinctive and relevant to Herefordshire.  The Local Development Framework (LDF) would be developed in line with the emerging RSS review and links had been made to the Community Strategy through the work of the LDF task group.


A Members seminar had been held in February 2008 to outline the various options and further briefings had been held recently for all Members in Hereford City and the market towns.


The Cabinet Member outlined the four broad options which highlighted the theme of sustainable development; economy (Option A), society (Option B), and environment (Option C), together with Option D which was for a new settlement.  It was emphasised that consultation would be undertaken prior to consideration of a preferred option, which could be a mix of the options outlined.  It was further stated that the regional housing figures would need to be finalised prior to the consideration of the final option.  The methodology behind the adoption of the final option would need to be sound to ensure it met Government’s criteria.


The Cabinet Member additionally stated that a sustainability appraisal and habitat regulation assessment accompanied the report, both of which were required by national and European legislation. As part of the Habitat Regulation Assessment consideration would need to be given to cross border issueswhere there were Internationally important sites e.g. the river Wye (from source to mouth).


It was recommended that the consultation on the Core Strategy paper and the associated appraisals would commence on 16 June for period of eight weeks and the consultees would include parish councils.


In response to a question regarding the summary of workshop comments on within the sustainability appraisal document (appendix 1),  Dr Nicholson stated that the workshop comments provided a record of one of the steps in the process of developing the options.  The workshop’s function was not to ‘appraise options’ but to demonstrate the process within which communication and consultation occurred as the authority moved into a preferred option model, the document therefore provided information and evidence.  It was emphasised that the workshop was solely an officer group.


A Member in attendance advised Cabinet that a worthwhile seminar was recently held which outlined the principles and methods required within a consultation process.  The Cabinet Member for Corporate and Customer Services and Human Resources stated that it had been unfortunate that as the seminar had been arranged at short notice  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6