Issue - meetings
Meeting: 24/01/2008 - Cabinet (Item 22)
To summarise the findings of the recent survey and the corporate actions that will be taken as a result.
Cabinet received the Herefordshire Satisfaction Survey 2007, which summarises the recent findings of the survey and the corporate actions to be taken. The Cabinet Member Corporate and Customer Services and Human Resources said that the report was clear and would form part of the Member Seminar on the Satisfaction Survey. Cabinet was advised that the survey was conducted during September and October 2007.
Officers advised Cabinet that there was a statutory requirement to conduct a best value survey every three years. Cabinet was reminded that the Customer Satisfaction Survey was linked to the Community Strategy and that there was a significant change in satisfaction surveys with the emphasise on perception such as quality of life linked to people getting on well together – a key focus in area assessments. It was added that the Hereford Voice Programme was being developed to tease out what more could be done in relation to perceptions. It was noted that 50% of those questioned were fairly satisfied. The overall satisfaction with the Council was at 44%, which had not significantly changed since 2006 when it was at 43%. Members discussed the Herefordshire Matters magazine provided to all households and being able to provide it on tape for the blind. Cabinet was advised that this was being looked into with the Blind College.
RESOLVED That the results of the survey and the actions outlined in paragraphs 21 to 26 of the action plan be noted.