Issue - meetings


Meeting: 24/01/2008 - Cabinet (Item 23)


To receive and adopt a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) setting out the Council’s policy on the use of planning obligations, following statutory public consultation.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member Environment and Strategic Housing presented the Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document for adoption, which sets out the Council’s policy on the use of planning obligations to be approved by Council following statutory public consultation.  Officers were thanked for their work in producing the report.  It was stated that the Planning Committee had held a thorough debate over the issues and Cabinet was reminded that 50% of houses in the county were in schemes of under 10 and should this level be retained, this would exclude 50% of new homes built.  The Cabinet Member stated that he had spoken with some small builders who did not have any concerns with the proposals; however, some Members in attendance felt this might not be the case with all in the building profession.  Officers advised that some of the aims of the SPD were to provide as much certainty as possible to landowners, prospective developers and other interested parties.  It was added that there was a high volume of planning applications coming forward and therefore there was a need to put a protocol in place for the future.


Cabinet was informed that an officer would be appointed dealing specifically with Section 106 agreements and would be reporting to Cabinet every six months on the financial planning gains made and on where the funds were to be used.  Cabinet welcomed the proposals and the potential revenue to be used in the county that could be brought in.  Members stated that it was important to retain the Area Planning Sub-Committees as they felt it was essential with regards to planning applications in their ward areas.  Members in attendance welcomed the proposals in the SPD but were concerned about the ultimate cost for young people.  Members asked how the figures proposed equated with neighbouring authorities and were advised that there was a considerable variation around thresholds with other authorities.  It was proposed that the threshold should go down to one single build as it could be a significant build and therefore should contribute through the Section 106 Agreement.  Cabinet debated the effect this could have on rural housing.  It was also suggested that some authorities had not gone below the threshold of 10.  A Member in attendance stated that the officers’ recommendation at the Planning Committee meeting had been not to go below a threshold of six and the Member felt it would victimise rural residents if the authority did so.  The Member agreed that there should be a charge, but felt that it should be reduced if the threshold was to be for one single dwelling. 


THAT it be recommended to Council that:

(a)        the Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document and associated Sustainability Appraisal be agreed and adopted;

(b)       appropriate amendments be made to the Planning Committee Scheme of Delegation to Officers and that a Section 106 Monitoring Officer be recruited by Planning Services;

(c)        the Supplementary Planning Document be brought into effect by the end of March 2008 and appended to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 23