Decision details
Appointments to Shareholder Committee
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To appoint four members of Cabinet to the Shareholder Committee.
a) Four named members of Cabinet are appointed to the Shareholder Committee; and
b) That the terms of reference of the Shareholder Committee is changed so that future appointments are made by the Leader.
Alternative options considered:
1. Not to makes appointments to the Shareholder Committee – this is not recommended as the responsibilities and requirements as a shareholder of companies must be performed within the Council. Further, the Council has awarded contracts to its owned companies (whether wholly or jointly owned) without a full tender but relying on Regulation 12 exemption in the Public Contract Regulations 2015. This exemption remains but the Council must demonstrate that it continues to exercise decisive influence over the strategic objectives and significant decisions of the company. The Shareholder Committee plays an important part in this influence.
Wards Affected: (All Wards);
Contact: Sean O'Connor, Head of Legal Services and Deputy Monitoring Officer Email: Sean.O' Tel: 01432 383622.
Publication date: 21/12/2023
Date of decision: 21/12/2023
Effective from: 30/12/2023
Accompanying Documents:
- Appointments to Shareholder Committee