Decision details

Decision to approve and launch the Cultural Development and Cultural Programming grant schemes as part of the UKSPF Investment Plan

Decision Maker: Corporate Director – Economy & Environment

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


In April 2022, the government launched the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), to replace the European Union funded structural funds.

The primary goal of the UKSPF is to build pride in place and increase life chances across the UK. This aligns with the Levelling Up White Paper missions. Funding is targeted where it is needed most: building pride in place, supporting high quality skills training, supporting pay, employment and productivity growth and increasing life chances.

The council has been allocated £7,545,330 to be spent between 2022 and 2025, of which, £903,194 is for ‘Multiply’ adult numeracy support which is subject to a separate decision. The government announced approval of the Investment Plan on the 5 December 2022, and Cabinet took the decision to accept and spend these funds on 15th December, 2022

Under the Community and Places Investment Priority, the Cultural Grant scheme will deliver measure E4, which supports enhancing existing cultural, historic and heritage institutions and results in an improved perception of facilities and amenities in Herefordshire, increased footfall, and more events and participatory programmes; and E6, which supports local arts, culture, heritage and creative activities and results in improved engagement and new local cultural events and activities across the county.

What activities can be supported by each grant scheme?

Cultural Development Grants

Building cultural resilience, growth and engagement across the existing Herefordshire cultural institutions. This revenue grant will support a range of improvements, including:

• Enhancements to the operation or offer of an existing cultural organisation or community cultural amenity in Herefordshire.
• Community outreach or engagement programmes linked to existing Herefordshire cultural or heritage assets/ sites.
• Community-led programmes linked to existing Herefordshire cultural or heritage assets/sites.
• Other programmes that improve local access and participation, help to overcome barriers of engagement, or support volunteering and skills development linked to existing Herefordshire cultural or heritage assets/ sites.

Cultural Programming Grants

Building vibrancy, activity and community programming across Herefordshire. This revenue grant will support a range of local cultural activities, including:

• Funding for the development and/or operation of local maker spaces
• Funding for local art galleries/ museums/ libraries for exhibitions
• Support for local displays for artists to showcase work
• Funding for local cultural or heritage tours
• Funding for local cultural or creative community programming
• Support for the establishment or development of programmes to share cultural, arts or heritage knowledge or resources locally.

What activities cannot be supported by the grant schemes?

• Events and Festivals are being funded through a separate grant scheme as part of measure E6 which supports local arts, culture, heritage and creative activities, so projects classed as events or festivals will not be eligible for either grant scheme.
• Capital works, renovation or conservation projects.

Who can apply to the Cultural Grant scheme?

Any organisation or business with a legal status can apply. This may include local authorities, public sector organisations, higher and further education institutions, private sector companies, voluntary organisations, registered charities or local cultural businesses.

Projects, programmes and activities must be held in Herefordshire and all members of the public must be able to attend (via a reasonable charge if necessary) at all times.

Who cannot apply?

• Individuals
• Unconstituted organisations
• Organisations who are registered in the county but propose to deliver events, activities and programmes outside Herefordshire
• Applicants who are registered outside Herefordshire, except when they deliver their business and benefits directly in Herefordshire.

Outcomes and Outputs

Outputs/outcomes required to meet in Measure E4 for Cultural Development grants:

• 46 organisations receiving grants
• 46 events / participatory programmes
• 10% increased visitor numbers
• 10% improved perception of facilities and amenities

Outputs/outcomes required to meet in Measure E6 for Cultural Programming grants:

• 24 organisations receiving grants
• 24 local events or activities
• 10% increase in footfall
• 10% improved engagement

Application process, appraisal and moderation

• Application instructions and guidance will be made available via Herefordshire Council website;
• Applications will be assessed by an internal panel including the Culture and Leisure Lead and Museum Lead along with advice from external advisors;
• Applications will be appraised to ensure they meet the eligibility criteria and scored based on the outcomes and outputs required for each individual grant scheme and the Herefordshire Council Investment Plan.
• The Service Director for Communities is the delegated authority to award grants to applications that meet the eligibility requirements of the scheme;
• The Delegated Grants and Programmes Team will administer the grants scheme;
• Organisations can apply once in each financial year;
• In each financial year, there will be a number of funding rounds. If the value of applications exceeds the funds remaining in the funding round, highest scoring applications will be given priority.

Contact: Ross Cook, Corporate Director - Economy and Environment Email:

Publication date: 30/11/2023

Date of decision: 07/06/2023

Accompanying Documents: