Decision details
Award a contract to carry out localised remodelling of existing office accommodation at: Three Elms Units 37 and 38, Hereford – up to a value of £252,923.70
Decision Maker: Strategic Assets Delivery Director
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To award a contract to S C Joseph Ltd. This
decision is to award the contract to S C Joseph to carry out these
works to Three Elms units 37 and 38, Hereford.
Works to include carrying out localised remodelling of existing
office accommodation
To approve the works expenditure of up to £252,923.70 which
£37,470.17 contingency and £28,102.63 for internal and
external fees.
Responsibility for delivering works to be carried out by the
Capital Senior Project Manager within the spend budget of the
Transfer/Re-allocation of Capital Funds from Schools Capital
Investment Programme to Corporate Asset Review Projects.
Contact: Sarah Jowett, Strategic Assets Delivery Director Email: Tel: 01432 383302.
Publication date: 24/08/2023
Date of decision: 18/08/2023
Accompanying Documents: