Decision details
To approve the proposal to add an autism base at Leominster Primary School, Earl Mortimer College and Aylestone School, from 1 September 2023
Decision Maker: Officer Decisions - Children and Young People
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Herefordshire Local Authority has two existing
mainstream autism bases (MABs). One is for primary age children, at
Hampton Dene Primary School as part of their Language and
Communication Centre (LCC) and The Bridge is for secondary-age
pupils at The Bishop of Hereford High School.
The purpose of the MABs is to allow children who need additional
support to access mainstream education to gain that support from
specialist staff who work from the base classroom. The criteria for
being offered a place at a MAB is that the children must have a
diagnosis of autism and a level of educational need that can only
met through a MAB as identified in their Education, Health and Care
Plan (EHCP).
Both existing MABs are now full for new admissions in September
2023. Additionally, as a result of information received from the
education and health staff at the Child Development Centre where
children are assessed, diagnosed and supported in the Early Years,
it is evident that there will be a need for a significant expansion
in the number of specialist primary mainstream autism base places
and we will need this additional capacity from September 2023. We
have also had a high level of demand from parents who are seeking
secondary specialist autism base provision as their children move
from primary school to secondary school
Contact: Quentin Mee, Head of Educational Development Email:
Publication date: 17/05/2023
Date of decision: 08/05/2023
Accompanying Documents: