Decision details

Decision to appoint Speller Metcalfe Ltd as Construction Partner relating to the redevelopment of the Library and Learning Resource Centre at Maylord Orchards

Decision Maker: Corporate Director - Community Wellbeing

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The redevelopment of Maylord Orchards will create a new library and learning resource centre, and is a key project in the Hereford Town Investment Plan Towns Fund – Herefordshire Council. The project will establish a modern Library Service and Learning Resource Centre at the heart of the city, re-purposing a key area of Hereford in creating new reasons for people to visit and spend time and money across the centre as a whole. The Learning Resource Centre will provide facilities to enable local people to access the support they need to develop their skills, and access new employment opportunities such as the council’s Adults and Community Learning Service.
Subject to this decision, the Council intends to procure in accordance with the Contract Procedure Rules to appoint a construction partner to work alongside the Project Management and Design team to complete RIBA stage 4 through to the implementation and handover of the building (RIBA Stages 5/6.

Contact: Hilary Hall, Corporate Director Community Wellbeing Email:

Publication date: 20/04/2023

Date of decision: 13/04/2023

Accompanying Documents: