Decision details

Procurement of professional services to undertake the revised outline urban design, consultation and detailed urban design for the Cathedral and River Wye Quarter as part of the Hereford City Centre Improvements (HCCI).

Decision Maker: Corporate Director – Economy & Environment

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Originally, a feasibility business case was developed and approved in 2019 to continue the development of the HCCI project. This requested funding to broaden the extents of the HCCI project to include an area to the south west of High Town which includes Broad Street, King Street, Bridge Street and other smaller streets in the vicinity referred to as the Cathedral and River Wye Quarter (CRWQ). - The vision being for the streets and spaces in CRWQ to be vibrant and active places where people want to spend time and businesses want to be based. The streets and spaces to be designed to amplify Hereford’s unique character, sense of place and its rich medieval history as capital of the Marches. The streets and spaces will be downgraded for vehicle use, but upgraded for all other activities; becoming a place where pedestrians and cyclists feel comfortable and where movement for them is effortless, enjoyable and safe. On a daily basis the Cathedral and River Wye Quarter would support businesses by providing the space and an appropriate environment for them to engage with the street, especially food and drink businesses with outdoor seating.
Procurement of professional services was required to develop the outline design for improvements to the CRWQ and Burroughs (working in partnership with The Urbanists) were appointed via an open competitive tender. This would draw on the approach to the High Town area but reflect the distinct character and function of this area. That outline design was almost completed by the time the emerging Masterplan was revealed. Despite the Masterplan team being integral and fully consulted in the design of CRWQ, some significant changes are now required to the current CRWQ outline design.
The outline design process was suspended until the draft Masterplan was finalised and whilst The Urbanists assessed the extent of the revisions required to the current outline design.
The cost associated with the revision of the design exceeds the permitted 50% uplift permitted in CPR’s for variation of the Contract Price. Accordingly alternative routes to appointment have been investigated. There is an additional pressure to complete the detailed construction drawings for this scheme by March 2024 to satisfy funding conditions. This must be achieved to ensure that £3m Marches LEP funding is retained.
Discussions with the HC procurement team resulted in a decision to investigate the cost benefit of The Urbanists being appointed to complete the revised outline urban design and to progress the detailed design phase. This considered to be the least risk to losing LEP funding, also maintaining consistent design standards and principles.

Contact: Ross Cook, Corporate Director - Economy and Environment Email:

Publication date: 06/04/2023

Date of decision: 31/03/2023

Accompanying Documents: