Decision details

Maylord Orchards Interim Management Plan

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The purpose of this paper is to recommend the adoption of the interim management plan (set out in Appendix A). 


The Maylord Orchards Centre (the Centre) is owned and managed by the council further to the purchase of the headlease in 2020. The Centre forms a significant part of the city centre and there are emerging plans, development proposals and strategies that may affect the Centre in the medium to long term. These aspects will be brought together under the current City Masterplan and therefore, an interim management plan is required for the Centre.




a)    Cabinet approve the adoption of the Interim Management Plan for Maylord Orchards Centre.

b)    The S.151 Officer in consultation with the Director of Economy & Place and following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Contracts, Procurement and Assets has delegated authority to amend and update the plan as required.


Alternative options considered:

1.      Not to adopt an interim management plan: This is not recommended as it would leave the  Centre without any form of strategic direction and an absence of any structure or parameters that are required to ensure the economic and efficient management of the Centre until the City Masterplan is approved and adopted.

2.      To manage the Centre on an ad hoc, day to day basis: This is not recommended as it does not provide sufficient structure for the effective management by the centre manager and the asset manager. There would be no continuity or conformity of management that in turn may lead to disputes and loss of income and/or increased costs.


Wards Affected: Central;

Contact: Andrew Husband, Strategic property services manager Email: Email: Tel: 01432 383552.

Publication date: 25/11/2021

Date of decision: 25/11/2021

Effective from: 02/12/2021

Accompanying Documents:

  • Maylord Orchards Interim Management Plan