Decision details

Procurement of Remaining Priority Flood Repair Works

Decision Maker: Director of Economy and Place (Historic)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Following the decision taken by Cabinet on 23 July 2020 and the subsequent funding decision taken by the Council on 4 August 2020, the works to repair all remaining priority flood damage sites were to be commissioned and delivered.
Consequently the Director of Economy and Place took the decision on 22 September 2020 that:
• All remaining elements of the Fownhope work (estimated scheme value £1m including all management support) be delivered through the Public Realm Services Contract;
• The Witney of Wye scheme (estimated value £0.5m including all management support) be delivered as a design and build commission;
• The various flood damage sites (estimated value £0.962m including all management support) be delivered through a new framework contract aimed at providing a ‘post’ COVID opportunity directly to local SMEs; and
• The managing agent support to the council’s own project and contract management costs, as required to deliver these schemes, is commissioned through the Public Realm Services Contract.
The Fownhope Scheme has now been delivered through the Public Realm Services Contract.
The Whitney of Wye scheme has been tendered as a design and build commission. However, no returns have been received from the market. Consequently, as we are unable to progress to the delivery of this scheme via this procurement route, it is discontinued. Analysis of feedback received during the tender period from prospective bidders suggests that there is a limited appetite in the local market for a design and build commission of this nature.
A framework has been put to the market for the various flood damage sites. However, analysis of the prices received concludes that this framework does not represent value for money for the council, when compared to other available delivery options. For this reason it is proposed that we discontinue this procurement.
As a consequence alternative delivery options are sought for both the Whitney on Wye scheme and the various flood damage sites.
In regard to the Whitney on Wye scheme, it is proposed that these works are procured through a two stage approach, as follows:
• the first for the investigation and design work, culminating in the production of a final design and all associated specifications and tender documentation. This first stage is proposed to be commissioned from Balfour Beatty Living Places through the Public Realm Services Contract.
• the second stage will be for the works in accordance with the design works as the product of the first commission. Meaning that the second works tender will follow once the Balfour Beatty Living Places have produced an outline design...
The first stage can be commissioned following this decision and investigation work will be mobilised within the following month. The procurement of the second phase, the repair works themselves, will have to follow on from the completion of an outline design, this procurement would take an estimated 6 to 8 week period to complete, though work on the works tender can be progressed, to some degree, in parallel with the design process, particularly during the period following production of an outline design to completion of the final design solution. This option will ensure that value for money is secured through a competitive process for the works, whilst allowing the necessary investigations and design to progress as soon as it practicably can following this decision.
In regard to the various flood damage sites, it is proposed that these works are now procured through an open tender for the entire works. This will ensure that value for money is secured for these repair works through a competitive process. It is anticipated that this option will take approximately 10 weeks to commission.

Contact: Mairead Lane, Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport / Head of Infrastructure Delivery Email: Tel: 01432 260944.

Publication date: 04/07/2021

Date of decision: 02/07/2021

Accompanying Documents: