Decision details

Approve expenditure up to £148,000 for survey works and professional fees necessary to progress proposed integrated wetland sites

Decision Maker: Assistant Director for Regulatory, Environment and Waste Services (Historic)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The design and construction of a wetland site requires a number of different surveys and investigations, including (but not limited to) ecological appraisals, ground water risk assessments, topographic surveys and phosphate monitoring. The surveys are essential to determine the suitability of the site and to properly inform the preliminary and detailed design process.

Professional services are also required for the next stage of the proposed works in order to progress detailed design and to gain planning approval for the wetland sites.

Contact: David Jones, Programme Manager Email: Tel: 01432 383320.

Publication date: 18/06/2021

Date of decision: 17/06/2021

Accompanying Documents: