Decision details

Options for Museums, Customer Services and Libraries

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The purpose of this report is to present to Cabinet the options for the future operation of Museums, Customer Services and Libraries and in the light of budget pressures and changing trends in accessing services; and for Cabinet to make a decision based on the options presented.






(a)         For Customer Services and Libraries, Option 2 (Core Service with Top Up) be implemented as a preliminary decision;

(b)         For the Museum service, Option 2 (Reduced Service Option) as a preliminary option be implemented whilst Option 3 (discussions with existing trusts) be commenced; and

(c)         The Director for Economy, Communities and Corporate services, in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Enterprise and Community and Corporate and Assets, be delegated to finalise details of the options to be implemented.



Reasons for the decision:

To enable actions to be progressed to deliver in year budget savings and ensure that council resources are prioritised to support those in need of services.  The recommendation considers the findings from the equalities impact and needs assessment, and specifically the customer feedback via the impact survey and comments from stakeholder focus groups.

For the museum service the chosen option will realise achievable financial savings, satisfies the obligations to the Heritage Lottery Fund, maintains the integrity of the Herefordshire collection and provides the platform for a sustainable future for the service within a model which is delivered by preferred external partner to the council.

The recommendations are seeking approval for preliminary service changes.  Further changes to the services will need to be considered in the context of future financial pressures across the local authority, and having due regard to the impact on service users and local people.  Therefore whilst the recommended options are immediately instigated, the future level of the services will be evaluated next to wider impacts for residents when setting the budget for the whole authority.


Alternative options considered:

That a decision is delayed until further research and consultation has taken place.   This will have an impact on meeting savings targets for 2013/14 and future years.

Reason Key: Expenditure and strategic nature / impact on communities;

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Contact: Natalia Silver, Service Director - Corporate Services Email: Tel: 01432260732.

Publication date: 23/09/2013

Date of decision: 19/09/2013

Effective from: 27/09/2013