Decision details


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To approve the Council’s updated Value for Money self-assessment prior to submission to the Audit Commission by 31st July, 2006.


THAT the draft Value for Money self-assessment attached at Appendix 1, delegating authority to the Director of Resources in consultation with the Cabinet Member (Resources) for any final amendments, be approved.

Reasons for the decision:

Having scored 3 (out of a possible 4) for the Key Line of Enquiry (KLOE) on Value for Money (VfM) in the 2005 Use of Resources assessment, the Council is only required to submit an update of our existing self-assessment for 2006. Councils that scored a 1 for this KLOE have to submit a new self-assessment for 2006.

Alternative options considered:

There are no alternative options.

Publication date: 25/07/2006

Date of decision: 20/07/2006