Decision details

Decision to introduce 40MPH speed limit on the B4352, C1191 and Woodbury Lane, Moccas, Herefordshire.

Decision Maker: Service Director – Environment , Highways, & Waste

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Consideration has been given to the receipt of one objection arising from the formal notice of proposal for the above titled order. Notwithstanding the receipt of this objection, for the reasons as set out below, it is recommended that a new Traffic Regulation Order be implemented as proposed in the Notice of Proposal, the effect of which will be to implement a new 40mph speed limit on the B4352, C1191 and Woodbury Lane, Moccas.

Contact: Bruce Evans, Engineering Manager Email: Tel: 07792880548.

Publication date: 05/02/2024

Date of decision: 02/02/2024

Accompanying Documents: