Decision details
Decision to fund up to £102,000.00 of Section 106 monies for “Education” (Primary) towards a single-storey extension to the front of existing school for the formation of new library and remodelling of reception area, at Burley Gate Primary School, Bu
Decision Maker: Service Director - Education, Skills and Learning
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The project to deliver a new library provision
and remodelled reception area will provide new learning provisions
and improve overall safeguarding.
The project received planning consent in September 2022 under
application number 222389. The planning decision notice and all
approved plans have been contained with appendix 1.
The project will be fully funded from three Section 106 legal
Planning Reference GT / FIN Code Contribution £ Expiry
P151937/O FIN1868 £46,462.00 31/01/2025
N102065/F FIN1489 £21,000.00 27/10/2026
P150473/F FIN1902 £34,538.00 TBC
TOTAL £102,000.00
From the above Primary contributions, there has been no expenditure
to date.
In April 2023, tenders were invited for the undertaking of these
works and in addition, provision of an external classroom. The
tenders far exceeded the S106 allowance for this scheme, so
omissions were identified and a revised cost established. This cost
still exceeded the budget available and Owen Pell Ltd, the lowest
contractor, were unable to identify any further savings following a
value engineering exercise.
The decision was made to re-tender the scheme on the reduced
specification, as the time-scale for the work had changed and some
material costs had gone down.
Following the re-tender in September 2023, three contractors
returned submissions as detailed below:
Tender Figure (plus VAT)
S C Joseph Ltd 82,721.00
P J B Merchants Ltd 88,350.00
Owen Pell Ltd 118,354.00
A priced specification was requested from the lowest contractor. A
detailed technical and arithmetical check was undertaken and no
errors were found.
Including all relevant preliminaries and professional fees the
total costs for the works are outlined below:
Additional Security Works
Additional foundation costs 82,721.00
Building Regulations & Planning fees
Professional fees @ 10%
A contingency sum has been allowed to cover unknown risk during the
delivery of the works.
A full tender report has been included in Appendix 1. The project
programme has a 16 week works programme. Completion of the project
is therefore due in early March 2024.
We are therefore satisfied that a sufficient tendering exercise has
been completed in accordance with Herefordshire Councils Contract
Procurement Rules (CPR).
It is therefore recommended that a contract is placed with S C
Joseph Ltd for the undertaking of this scheme.
Responsibility for monitoring the project and managing expenditure
within the total spend budget is to be with the S106 Programme
Contact: Liz Farr, Service Director, Education, Skills and Learning Email: Tel: 01432 260897.
Publication date: 09/11/2023
Date of decision: 03/11/2023
Accompanying Documents: