Decision details

Capital Programme Review and Update

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommend Forward to Council

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To recommend to Council for approval the revised capital investment budget for 2023/24 onwards.


That: the following be recommended to Council-


a) To approve the revised capital programme for 2023/24 attached at appendix C;


b) the chief finance officer be authorised, following consultation with the Cabinet Member Finance and Corporate Services to make in year amendments to the final value included for the investment project from Wye Valley Trust (WVT). Also the investment project from Hereford and Worcester Group Training Association (HWGTA), based on the final approved business case; 11 AGENDA ITEM 7


c) approve the Flexible Use of Capital Receipts of up to £1.6m in 23/24, to support transformation to generate ongoing revenue savings and reduce service delivery costs in future years; and


d) the chief finance officer be authorised, following consultation with the Cabinet Member Finance and Corporate Services to make in year amendments to the final value included for the relocation of the library to the Shirehall (if this is the chosen option) based on the final approved business case and utilise the grant award from Stronger Towns Board.

Alternative options considered:

It is open to Cabinet to recommend alternative capital investment options to Council. As an amendment to proposals put forward by Cabinet, any amendment would either require the consent of the Leader of the Council or further consideration by Cabinet, before a decision could be taken in accordance with budget and policy framework rules.

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Contact: Karen Morris, Strategic Capital Finance Manager Email: Tel: 01432 261865.

Publication date: 09/10/2023

Date of decision: 05/10/2023