Decision details

Review of New Hereford Library and Learning Resource Centre Location

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To review options for the best possible location of the proposed new Hereford Library and Learning Resource Centre in Hereford city centre.


That: a) To undertake an internal review to be reported to cabinet to identify the options for the location in Hereford for the Library and Resource Centre project. Should the outcome of the review require a change to the capital programme, Full Council approval will be required.


b) To delegate to the Corporate Director for Community and Wellbeing in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Community Service and Assets authority to identify the guiding principles for the proposed review;


c) To delegate to the Corporate Director for Economy and Environment the authority to cancel all current contractor and related works where necessary to secure recommendation (a) and minimise cost implications

Alternative options considered:

1. Do nothing – The council could continue to locate the proposed new Library and Learning Resource Centre in Maylord Orchard. However, as outlined in the decision below, a number of factors have changed since the original project was established in 2020. This option is not recommended.


2. To retain the library in the current location on Broad Street - This is not a viable option, as it would mean the separate £18 million Hereford Museum and Art Gallery project could not proceed. This is a flagship project for Stronger Towns funding, and key to enhancing the city and wider County’s cultural and visitor offer.

Reason Key: Expenditure;

Wards Affected: Central;

Contact: Roger Allonby, Service Director Economy and Growth Email: Tel: 01432 260330, Amy Pitt, Service Director Communities, Community Wellbeing Email: Tel: 01432 383758, Johnathan Pritchard, Senior Project Manager Email: Tel: 01432 261885, Susan White, Programme Manager Email: Tel: 01432 260070.

Publication date: 22/06/2023

Date of decision: 22/06/2023

Effective from: 29/06/2023

Accompanying Documents:

  • Review of New Hereford Library and Learning Resource Centre Location