Decision details

Variation to Annual Plan 2023/24 – Utilisation of Annual Plan Gain Share

Decision Maker: Service Director – Environment , Highways, & Waste

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


£110k gain share from the Public Realm contract with BBLP has been identified for reallocation. It is recommended that this is reinvested into the Widemarsh St improvement project.
? Widemarsh St is a popular route for pedestrians and vehicles, home to many shops and businesses, and provides an important link between Old Market and High Town. The existing design, completed in 2011 has been subject to a number of specialist design and safety reviews following public feedback. All of these concluded that the scheme is fully in line with design guidance and best practice, however, it is important that pedestrians have a good, safe experience so improvement work is taking place.
? Widemarsh St improvement programme planned on reutilising porphyry setts and existing kerbstones to keep costs low and accelerate the programme. However, more new stock is required than expected with further spend needed than allocated within the existing budget.

Contact: Mark Averill, Service Director Environment and Highways Email: Tel: 01432 260944.

Publication date: 11/05/2023

Date of decision: 21/04/2023

Accompanying Documents: