Decision details

Decision to authorise payment of £25,000.00 of section 106 monies for Sport (outdoor) to Bromyard Cricket Club towards practice nets at Bromyard Cricket Club

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport, Director of Economy and Place (Historic)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Planning permission was approved for 140285 Hybrid application - part Outline for 76 dwellings (35% affordable) and a business centre for B1 uses, with all matters except access to be reserved. Part Full, for the development of a single B1 business unit and the means of access thereto. The permission was subject to a section 106 agreement dated 5 August 2014 that required a section 106 sports (outdoor) contribution.

The section 106 agreement required the monies to be used towards the
existing outdoor sports provision in the parish of Bromyard and Winslow and adjacent parishes in lieu of such facilities within the development.

Bromyard Cricket Club have requested the payment of £25,000.00 of section 106 Sports (outdoor) monies as a contribution towards purchase of
practice cricket nets.

It is agreed to pay Bromyard Cricket Club the following section 106 monies;

140285 - Porthouse Farm, Tenbury Road, Bromyard - £25,000.00 from account B03302 FIN1718 GT04.

Both Bromyard Cricket Club and the local schools will benefit greatly from the new practice nets.

The scheme meets the ambition in the Herefordshire County Plan 2020-2024 to strengthen communities to ensure everyone lives well and safely together and to improve residents access to green space.

Contact: Neil Taylor, Interim director of economy and place Email: Tel: 01432 260921.

Publication date: 09/11/2021

Date of decision: 09/11/2021

Accompanying Documents: