Decision details

Commission a review of the Hereford City Centre Improvements (HCCI) design for the remaining High Town area

Decision Maker: Director of Economy and Place (Historic)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Following the completion of the first two phases of the High Town area and prior to the completion of the remaining phases, it is considered appropriate to review the design. This will be on the basis of lessons learnt from the delivery and operation of the first two phases of the High Town and the current aspirations for the development of this area.

The scope of the design review will include a review of the material pallet, and layout of hard landscaping as well as the overall streetscape including soft landscaping and street furniture. This will be undertaken within the context of the existing design and of the sections of the project completed to date to ensure that the public realm is coherent in this area.

The review will also evaluate the elements of public realm completed to date (Widemarsh Street, High Street and Commercial Street) to consider if further enhancements or amendments to these areas are required to align with the approach to the remaining area or to improve the public realm in these existing areas.

This design review will provide the opportunity for further engagement and consultation with businesses, organisations and other stakeholders. This will ensure that the approach to the remaining areas of the High Town area reflects the current aspirations of both the Council and stakeholders.

The design review will be undertaken in the initial phase of the HCCI project, and is currently anticipated to be completed by the end of March 2021.

These works will be funded from the LEP Getting Building Grant.

Contact: James Fishlock, Infrastructure Manager Email:

Publication date: 18/12/2020

Date of decision: 18/12/2020

Accompanying Documents: